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Could Still Be Good

We’ll be back with the dog on Wednesday. XD

And since I won’t see you until then:

Merry Christmas Everyone!! :D

Edit: Also, since it’s Christmas, no WaM until Friday. XD Sorry! Takin’ a holiday break.

Song Listening Recommendation:

“Mary, Did You Know?” by Mark Lowry


literally my first thought after reading the comment was “nah, liliy wouldn’t kill or maim a character off camera”

p.s. merry christmas


I think he’s underestimating Wiglaf’s mother.. though scratch that. How many artifacts belong to the Boss?
Aftifacts + Boss + (Vilhelm?) versus Wiglaf’s biological parents… it could be a tie.


Vilhelm’s too far gone if he’s not ready to ditch the cult yet. My guess is that Linnea would have to be half-dead before Vilhelm would half-consider rethinking his membership. XD

Merry Christmas!


“There is a 5 percent chance he meant that in a non-cannibal way.” –Best. Line. Ever. hahahaha, Vilhelm is so awkward. : )


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