
by Ximmeas

The hero of the Earth
Always and forevermore
Protector of the needy
Always and forevermore
Fighting for a desperate world
Always and forevermore

What will you give me for my time?
What am I worth, for fighting crime?
Am I a person, or just a tool?
What do you take me for, some fool?
Always and forevermore

What do I become, now that I’m gone?
What will you do if I say that I’m done?
If I say I won’t keep defending
All the people who’re depending
Too much on the “hero”
Always and forevermore

And you, my good friend,
Are becoming predictable
You’re easy to read, but it’s funny – ironic
How you of all of the people I’ve known
Are the only true “friend” that I’ve had.

And you, my good friend
Are becoming much softer
Was I the cause? Because that’s just ironic!
That you, of all people, have shown me
What “friendship” means.

So I was alone, some time ago
Once, but nevermore
Although we don’t agree-
Although we don’t quite see
Eye to eye,
Isn’t that what friends are for?
Why is this something I’ve never experienced before?
Once, but nevermore

When you brought me afterward
Brought me up to your front door
Neither knew what was to come
Neither knew what we’d endure
The chaos, the insanity that we would both endure
Always and forevermore?

Here’s the question that I ask you now…
Answer this, I implore,
Only once, but nevermore:
Will you be a friend;
Just a friend – I ask no more.
Will you be here with me
Always and forevermore?


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