PAT2014 – 01 Bliss x Mordred by Bondie

Pair-a-Thon 2014 Entry

I Will Always Want You

by Bondie

“- Wre-e-eck me!”

Mordred looked up from his book, curiosity finally overcoming apathy. He stared at the pink orb floating next to him on the couch, and then at the woman sitting on top of it. Bliss often sang songs when she wasn’t babbling on about her dislike of blue or playing the ignoring game. This occasion, however, was slightly different.

Bliss was floating atop her orb, a la Miley Cyrus. Mordred realized that he shouldn’t have let Driver watch MTV while she was recovering, at least not with Bliss in the room. It put too many ideas into Bliss’ head.

Bliss belted the chorus: “I came in like a wrecking ball/ Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung…”

Mordred returned to his book, only to have the orb slam into him a moment later. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?” he shouted from the floor. “Put some clothes on and stop singing that stupid song!”

Mordred ranted on as Bliss whispered to herself  “All I wanted was to break your walls/ All you ever did was wreck me/ Yeah, you, you wreck me.”

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