Tag Archives: stephen king

Liliy is a Fangirl #6

I am dropping the ball on this posting regularly on a schedule thing, aren’t I? Well, it’s okay since like 5 people read this anyway. XD

Moving on.


Real Steel came out this week and I still haven’t seen it. RWAR. *noms movie*


Finished Let the Right One In, By Reason of Insanity, & Misery this week. All three very good & worth checking out. :) (All three are horror though, so if you don’t like violence/sex – I’d stay away. XD By Reason of Insanity had the least though; no sex – just a bit of violence but nothing on the level of the vampire book or Stephen King. XD)


Action Comics: Lex Luthor owned this book. I love that Lex & Clark’s rivalry is getting off to a great start. No matter how much Supes changes, he’s gotta’ have his Lex. Lois has changed quite a bit too, and I still can’t stand her. Hmm. Probably because she’s dating someone else. Her only saving grace for me in all previous incarnations is I thought Clark’s crush on her was the most adorable thing in existence. (It’s either Lois or Bruce. I shall accept nothing less for Clark! :3)

Detective Comics: This one’s hurting a little bit, mostly because Batman was so much better. XD Either way, story is moving along. Bruce is a playboy, the new villain’s got a complex about not being known by Batman (ha ha, inside joke since he’s all brand new to the DC Universe~), and it had a nurse. Nurse is fun.

Static Shock: …it may have just been me, but I had very little idea what was going on in this issue. I might have to re-read it or something. XD

Hawk & Dove: I fangirled over this enough.


I joined City of Heroes~ My character is “The Carmine Authority” and she’s on the Freedom Server~

Minecraft still owns me. :D