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Couldn’t Wait for Page 2000

It is time! The new adventures start Tuesday, December 24, 2024, posted on Patreon and on!

This website will remain up until February, so if you want to save any old comments or author notes, this is your chance. (I will also be backing everything up, so if it’s up longer than February,  I got behind. Lol.)

It will be replaced with a splash page linking to the comic on Fables, the Patreon, and any PDF editions I make available in the future.

Once again, thank you so much for reading and I can’t wait to see you on Tuesday with the new comic!

Wiglaf and Mordred on

Future of Wiglaf and Mordred

Hello, everyone! As I have once again forgotten WaM’s birthday (19, btw), it occurs to me, that some things need to change. Specifically, I need to summon my courage and do what I’ve been wanting to do for the past couple of years: Reboot the comic.

As my art has gotten better, I’ve looked back at the early stories and gone: “I could do that better.” And I want to do it better.

But I was scared of starting the comic again. I was scared about what I’d do with this website, and how would I post the new comic, and all sorts of little anxieties. Not all is lost, however!

This year, I have changed my main art program to Clip Studio Paint and has opened (Which you can read WaM on btw). If I can make those tiny changes, then I can make big ones, too.

So here’s my plan:

  • On Friday, I start one last Mini Arc called “On to the New Adventure!” to wrap things up with the current cast. I have the first strip half done, so that should be fun!
  • I have turned off comments for older comics. While I want you to be able to comment on the new stuff, I want to start backing up the older ones for my own reading. :)
  • I am working on building a buffer of comics for the reboot. I have the cover of Chapter 1 started and the first page finished. I also have 5 thumbnails sketched out, and I want those pages done before I start posting.
  • From here on out, will be a landing page for About information, links to the comics, and where I hope to put links to where you can download the volumes of WaM classic (no idea what that will get done).
  • I will keep backups of everything, just in case, but this will be a static landing page in the future.
That’s what I’ve got so far! Thank you so much everyone for reading, and I hope to see you for the last arc and on! :D

Grey Liliy on!

Hello everyone! After some thought, I decided I was going to use a streaming service that was a better fit for who I am as an artist, and decided to go with It’s an art community, so that seemed like a great deal!

You can check out my channel, Grey Liliy’s Art, and catch me drawing at least three times a week. Typically I stream on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST, but I might draw at other times, too. Keep an eye on my Twitter for exact start & stop times.

I hope to see you in chat! :D


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Hey guys! :D My books are now on Scribd if you want to check them out there! Hurrah!

Edit 1/26/17: My, this post is old. But when you can news with every post, there isn’t much of a need for these general updates! I took out one of the book vender links, as that service is no longer available. Thanks!

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More Books!

Hey guys! If you don’t keep up with me on other social media sites like Twitter or Tumblr, you might not know that I’ve had a few more book releases since Children of Hephaestus was released! :D

Some handy places to see my books (and buy them! *hint hint wink wink*) are as follows:

Broken Pocket – My official Book Hub hosted by yours truly. It has all the information you’ll need in one place.

Goodreads – My Author profile. You can check out my book reviews here, add them to to-reading list, or even leave a review of your own! :D

Amazon Author Central – All my books for sale on Amazon. :D

And you can also find my books on Barnes & Noble/Nook, Kobo, iTunes/iBooks and Gumroad!

Last but not least, I’ve joined Write-On! by Kindle where you can read some free stories/see some works in progress! :D

Thanks a bunch guys! And as always, thanks for reading! :D

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You may have seen the first announcement on a Buffer Break Post (that has now been deleted), but here it is again more formally: Grey Liliy has a Patreon Account! :D

What’s Patreon?

It’s basically continual crowd funding. Instead of raising money for one big project, you provide a small sum once a month (or per piece of work, depending on the artist’ preference–I went the month route) to support an artist financially with whatever it is that they need. Some use the money to buy better equipment, others are using it to cover their living expenses, and some are using it in place of ad revenue.

Either way, a lot of people donating a small sum means that the artist gets paid for their work, and everyone else gets to enjoy their artwork! Great, right?

And How Does This Apply to WaM?

One of the benefits of Patreon, is the use of reward tiers. While there’s no minimum or maximum that you have to donate per month, if you donate a certain amount, you get perks. Currently, I have two:

Donate $1 or More Per Month: You get to see each strip of Wiglaf and Mordred early! :D They will continue to post three times a week on the site, but they’ll be posted at Patreon first. So far it’s been working out rather well. :D

Donate $5 or More Per Month: And in addition to seeing WaM early, you get to read an original short piece of writing by me once a week.

If I think of more things I can provide, I’ll add them, but for now it’s fairly simple.

Other Benfits?

I’m a bit of an anxious wreck at times, and truth be told–it’s had an effect on WaM’s production. Stress during the day, and then the anxiety of being late with WaM’s sort of created a rather low spiral that I’m sure you’ve all noticed.

However, this past week? It’s been good. Really good. I’ve only had the Patreon going for a week and I’m already feeling better about things. Why? Since Patrons are emailed when a strip goes live, I’m no longer anxious about uploading the posts right at midnight. I can upload them when they’re done on the night before without worry, or even a bit late. And then, I can schedule the post so it’ll be all ready to go. I have three strips done and ready to post on time for you all.

No more late strips.

It’s a very little thing right now, but that alone is such relief I can’t even tell you how much.

So thank you for supporting me with this endeavor, even if you can’t or don’t want to donate. WaM’ll still post here, and there’s no pay wall. But, the peace of mind it’s giving me so far is worth it. So thank you, again for sticking with me for so long.

And if you’d like to see WaM early? Feel free to become my Patron. :D