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Always Someone You’ve Never Met

Uh…I’ll finish it later tonight. XD Have fun with the sketch!

EDIT :Hey look. Color and dialogue! XD


I love how despite the sketchiness of the scene and the situation he’s in, Mordred still has time to be smug


Sketchy scenes are the most important time to be smug, sarcastic and condecending, it means you might live longer because the antagonizer will torture you instead of just killing you. :O


I hit refresh, and suddenly it wasn’t a sketch anymore!


XD Just noticed the background being push pins. Is that a tease at us, your readership, waiting on pins and needles for what comes next? Or is it more a “things to do” theme where Vilhelm is deciding on what happens after he completes his current task?

This is the first time I’m actually tempted to say, “Poor Mordred.” He’ll probably spoil that pretty soon with an “I hate you” to Wiglaf (whether within Wiglaf’s hearing or not).


I like how he doesn’t even ask if he’s gay and just assumes. Also I think his hate for Mordred as blinded him from the fact that he is has a death wish the size of an ocean that will drop on him as soon as he hurts Mordred. Hmmm, Should Hneaf have seen this already with his crazy system. We need Security to poof in grab Mordred and poof out.


I think Security should pop in with help…heck even Brat would count as help at this point


I’ll have [to?] introduce them once you’re no longer ‘you’…

Well that’s ominous. But also dangerous.. I think messing around with Mordred’s mind? would not be the best thing.. with his family’s history, you’d never know what could be lurking in there…


Ha, poor Mordred, being a drug and all. And soon a weapon. Though I still think the others will come rescue him.


I wonder who will be the one the to save Mordred? there’s at least 5 people who would drop everything to save him:
Wiglaf, Driver, Arthur, Janus, Brat.
Possibly Mr and Mrs. Garrot, as Mordred seems to be favorite of the family.
and considering the plot seems involved with the magic items, Guinevere, Azreal and Benjamin might show up. and bliss for that matter
there is also the possibility of him breaking out with Camlann.
in short, this definitely going blow up in Vilhelm’s face. probably violently.
My top three bets, in descending order, is that; Mordred will escape on his own, saved by brat or saved by Janus-because that would be unexpected.


The thing that gets me that it all started with him finding out about Bliss.
As for any of the other artifacts, they all seem to be on a list and he knows well enough about them. He did take out Camlam after all.
As for the senior memebrs of the cast, they seem to know each other directly. Security, enough so that he is able to not be surprised. I wonder how many decades that took.

So all in all, he seems to be a very logical, organized and well connected fellow. So I highly doubt that anything will blow up in his face. I will be awaiting what our muse has cooked up for use, story-wise though. I get the feeling that the Sr Garrots are already involved but not as the top threats but more as annoying neighbors that live down the street.
GASP!! What if dear ole dad is a charter member of the Evil Mastermind Society [EMS for short]. Maybe their treasurer even? It all makes so much sense now …… Cookies?


N0083rP00F, what’s with the cookies?

If I know anything,(which is debatable), accountants are evil, period. They make thier living using the most potent magic out there, Money. So, yeah, Vilhelm probably is evil.


I love how he doesn’t care one bit about Wiglaf’s orientation, whatever it may be, but just that he doesn’t like Mordred XD


I have a feeling Mordred will be turned into a weapon, and the rest of the story arch will be wiglaf trying to turn him back before they run out of time. or soemthing


if Mordred becomes on item, what item would he be?


I’m betting on one of his rings because as far as I can tell the artifacts mostly have some sort of attachment to their item.

Flair and Facile were going to be married and they are both rings (maybe their wedding rings?).

Grace liked killing people and he is a sword.

Eclat I’m not sure of because he wasn’t as into killing people as just taking their stuff so I’m not entirely sure how he’d be related.

Bliss was upperclass and maybe had an orb?

Prudence I have absolutely no clue about because we barely know anything about her, but she;s attatched to a sword and Grace and Eclat are scared of her.

Well… My theory works for… Three of them… *shrugs* Who knows, our wonderful Liliy can do whatever she likes.


Bliss is all bubbly and up in the clouds so it kinda makes sense that she would be a floating orb.
Eclat is probably a sword because he has a hated for women to the point where he would probably murder them.


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