Angel of Death
A little peak at Azrael’s backstory. ^_^
And a lot of fanservice.
Between naked Azrael shackled to a bed, Shota!Azrael (If you don’t know what Shota is- consider yourself better than the rest of us. Darn you Creid!!! You and your stupid Negima! *_*), and Sváfa jumping up, I’m not sure what to think of what I just drew. XD Other than the fact I really like how today’s strip came out.
Long live fanservice. *salutes*
(Love you Little Brother :D)
I love that they shackled him to the bed but haven’t violated him. ^-^ I can’t wait to see what happens next!
You’ve managed to hit everything in this one. XD And the title characters aren’t even in it; I fear what would’ve happened had they appeared. *thinks of missing arc*
I’m really surprised he hasn’t been violated yet… by the Valkyries or someone else. XD And poor Svafa. The Valkyries must put up with a lot. ^_^;
I laughed, but you still need to be stopped.
w00t! That’s awesomeness! Lol, that little snarl thing in the corner of the last panel was somehow very epic.^^
Almost to the 90th strip! Looking forward to it.^^
Aha! So there’s a rational reason for his having the name Azrael! I swear, I’ve seen people who named a character Azrael just because it sounded cool and they didn’t even know about its significance.
yes, yes! Long Live Fanservice! though i am quite curious as to why Azrael’s bed and pillow are pink….*shudders* ew
At first I was completely puzzled as to why he thought he’d be “violated,” and whether that actually meant something other than what immediately came to mind. Then I remembered Geoffry.