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Arthur Has This Planned

I won’t lie. I’m still like 100% in vacation mode. All of my evening activities were canceled this week and work has nothing going on (so it’s kinda dreadfully slow…the opposite of being crazy busy lol). So I’ve been in a daze. XD

But I got the strip done.

And I get to reference Arthur’s twin. :P

Edit: I took Friday night off. Lol. This has been such a chill week I want to keep enjoying it and end my Friday with me-time. XD Thanks and I’ll see you on Sunday!!!! :D


Taking Sibling Rivalry to the heights of potentially fatal false-accusations. Right in front of your mother. That’s going to end well for you, isn’t it Arthur.

No, seriously, you’re right in front of your mother, is she going to ignore the fact that you are going to have your sister take all the blame for your near future actions?


That’s…actually really clever of Arthur. If all this backfires, and it almost certainly will, he can just claim it was him messing with his sister. This is actually pretty masterful of him assuming he survives Janus’ inevitable retribution.


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