Arthur Is Taking This Well
I just realized that Sedrick and Arthur are basically Wiglaf and Mordred ten years down the line.
I’m a genius setting all that up without noticing. *laughs behind her hand*
I mean. I totally planned it from the start and it was completely intentional. *cough*
None of that matters.
Happy Birthday Jay! :D
You’re an awesome friend, roomie & editor. :3 *thumbs up* I plan to abuse you for years to come.
I’m still listening to PonPonPon on loop. I can’t even think of another song to quote. XD
Haha, Arthur was totally baiting Sedrick.
Which would be Wiglaf and which would be Mordred then? XD
And Arthur is so smug.
Wiglaf= Arthur Mordred=Sedrick
I would have never noticed they were pretty much alike!
That’s what I thought, it was just that Sedrick is a bit more, homicidal than Mordred. Then again, who knows what Mordred would be like after being stuck with Wiglaf for a few more years.
But then also have to think how long Wiglaf’s mind can hold out with Mordred the way he is. ^.^
That smug little grin, he knows Sedric can’t attack him so he’s just gonig to keep talking.
God I love that little smile
…I… I never realized that. That’s… Kind of awesome, really.
Also. Arthur. You lovely, snarky little monster. <3
I could see Mordred in Arthur’s place. c:
I love Arthurs Smug little grin
I really hope Mordred never becomes as psychotic as Sedrick. . .
Yes, Auther’s smile at the end is the Best!
Is it bad I kinda hope he does?
Actually, he may already be there – he could just be too lazy to follow it through!
Arthur’s face in the last panel just KILLS me XD
It’s total win on Arthur’s part XD
Best Arthur smile ever. c:
I have seen that smile on Mordred before