Big Daddy
I’m sure you all remember the video, don’t you?
*evil laughter*
(And you’ll get yer’ color when ya’ gets it! :( )
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Nothing’s Changed” by The Calling
I’m sure you all remember the video, don’t you?
*evil laughter*
(And you’ll get yer’ color when ya’ gets it! :( )
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Nothing’s Changed” by The Calling
=D *starts playing the adam’s family theme*
It’s like lurch! But a crazy woman’s husband! XD
Liliy… one of these days I’m going to check this comic and die of laughter.
waiiiiiittttt…… You mean to tell me that that’s … RICKY THE TEAM KILLER!? D: :omg:
Ding ding ding! Give the lucky winner a cupie doll~
Yeee! :$
Not to mention that the Canines in the second pannel are magnificent.
(long time lurker – first time poster :] )
…This arch is getting worse and worse for our villains/heroes/whatever they are. I LOVE IT! :love:
Although, “little new blonde boy”, she said? 0_0 Isn’t Wieglaf blonde as well? :shocked: Why do I get the feeling that there’ll soon be a case of mistaken identity? :omg:
Yay, more characters :D (i wonder how Ricky fits into the cast relationship chart?)
yay! This is just becoming more fun by the minute!
Hurrah, I was hoping we’d meet the guy named in the video! “Ricky the Team Killer”…XD I wonder how Galen met him. Either way, a giant like him must be handy to have around the house. He must do a lot of the dirty work while Galen performs experiments. XD
Disheveled, angry Galen in panel 2 is very funny. XD
Actually one of Liliy’s Upstream sketches on Deviantart shows the Courtship of Ricky. It’s…sweet in a sadistic way XD
So Ricky the Teamkiller has some sort of a possessive thing for Hagen, huh? That’s going to be interesting. I guess I’ll have to wait for the color to see what sort of a possessive thing it is.
You’ve been getting more and more creative with your panel arrangements, Liliy! :D I ADORE panel four.
After all, “Big Daddy” could mean just about anything. Especially given Liliy’s enjoyment of the forties, yes?
Based on the last panel I assume Ricky is Hagen’s Dad and thus the SO of Galen
You know Liliy best, but given the demi-Slavic unstable genius femme fatale angle she seems to be playing up with Galen, I wasn’t sure that “darling” meant anything. I’ve seen them use “darling” in a condescending, “oh, aren’t you just the cutest thing” manner to sons-in-law before, in movies.
You’re probably right, though.
Yup. There’s the hair color. You’re absolutely right. :)
Dun dun DUN!
Should be interesting to see when this storyline collides with the one in the front hall. Or when the elder Garrotts step in =)
Galen the sadistic doctor and Ricky the team killer; who’d a thought… XD Love the first three panels; so much blood. And that last panel. Ricky looks like a big fella’. XD
Yes, blood is amazing, and how she leans on his arm…is D’awww…in a good…creepy…way? :$
It said Big Daddy, I thought Bioshock, and then I saw Ricky 0_0