You just love to torture us Lily! Odds are I’m gong to get really Into this scene and right where it is most climatic, you’re going to change again! Genius I say!
Handcuffs, how improvised. Guess Arthur didn’t have access to proper restrains. Well either that or Lilly didn’t want to draw all those straps under the bedsheets ;-)
Arthur had better be *VERY* careful. I have the feeling that Sedrick can pick even the best locks in his sleep — or at least when everyone *thinks* that he’s sleeping…
Is Sedrick going to come back to being only slightly-psycopathic loyal servant of Arthur and non-violent dad of Hnaef and his brother? Oh please please please. I missed him so much!
oh haha chained to the bed
poor sedrick
I really like the use of blurring in this page. o3o
You just love to torture us Lily! Odds are I’m gong to get really Into this scene and right where it is most climatic, you’re going to change again! Genius I say!
Is it wrong that the main thing I get from this page is “Aww Arthur sat up all night with him! Such lovely bros :) ” ?
Handcuffs, how improvised. Guess Arthur didn’t have access to proper restrains. Well either that or Lilly didn’t want to draw all those straps under the bedsheets ;-)
Shhh!!! Don’t go telling everyone lazy artist secrets! :D
Arthur had better be *VERY* careful. I have the feeling that Sedrick can pick even the best locks in his sleep — or at least when everyone *thinks* that he’s sleeping…
aw isn’t it cute how Arthur’s in the chair a sleep next to him? (=^.^=)
seems like they are switching dom and sub yet again.
The drawing of the hands are magnificent.
Arthur sleeping in the chair next to Sedrick…so cute…need insulin for the diabetes
Arthur isn’t that stupid, he’s learned not to trust you Sedric you psycopath
Is Sedrick going to come back to being only slightly-psycopathic loyal servant of Arthur and non-violent dad of Hnaef and his brother? Oh please please please. I missed him so much!