« First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » « First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » Blue Stage. Blue Wings. Wiglaf won’t get strangled that easy, thank you. And he always lands on his feet. Wanted to try something different with the coloring for this one. Not sure if I like how it turned out or not. XD 5 Comments The “this time I’ve got a new question” word Bubble points in the wrong direction. It looks like that B man is talking. Reply Thanks! I fixed it. XD Guess I was making the bubbles a little too fast. Reply When the page loaded I thought they had been turned to stone be Camlann. XD Wouldn’t surprise me if he did that. Especially since no one seems ta be paying attention to him. Reply I kind of like how it looks. The shift in coloring helps to shift the tone. Like Wiglif is about to get serious, and/or things are about to get real! Reply Boss: “Gonna tear you apart!” Wiglaf: “Sure, sure…business as usual, I guess…at least it’ll be fun!” Hee~ Reply Leave a Reply to Amakawa Yuuto Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
The “this time I’ve got a new question” word Bubble points in the wrong direction. It looks like that B man is talking. Reply Thanks! I fixed it. XD Guess I was making the bubbles a little too fast. Reply
When the page loaded I thought they had been turned to stone be Camlann. XD Wouldn’t surprise me if he did that. Especially since no one seems ta be paying attention to him. Reply
I kind of like how it looks. The shift in coloring helps to shift the tone. Like Wiglif is about to get serious, and/or things are about to get real! Reply
Boss: “Gonna tear you apart!” Wiglaf: “Sure, sure…business as usual, I guess…at least it’ll be fun!” Hee~ Reply
The “this time I’ve got a new question” word Bubble points in the wrong direction. It looks like that B man is talking.
Thanks! I fixed it. XD Guess I was making the bubbles a little too fast.
When the page loaded I thought they had been turned to stone be Camlann. XD Wouldn’t surprise me if he did that. Especially since no one seems ta be paying attention to him.
I kind of like how it looks. The shift in coloring helps to shift the tone. Like Wiglif is about to get serious, and/or things are about to get real!
Boss: “Gonna tear you apart!”
Wiglaf: “Sure, sure…business as usual, I guess…at least it’ll be fun!”