gasp! he is an immortal who is part of a cabal of wizards who transformed poor innocent people into magical weapons.
Ok I guess he is evil, it was too much to expect a good character in this comic.
But does ‘our toys’ mean ‘the toys that we were involved in making’ or does it just mean ‘the collection of magical objects that is our personal priority’?
Given how the older ‘intelligent’ magic items seem to be somewhat to severely insane; you don’t suppose Vilhelm and this mystery group monitor and contain such artifacts, perhaps even destroying the excessively dangerous ones.
Maybe leading to whomever is making the items from Grace’s set having to recreate some of the items.
Immortality? Oh my, now I really wonder who his friend is(new character or one we’ve met?)
What sort of sorcerer IS Vilhelm??
I’m glad you skipped to this early, it’s so awesome!
And wow he is seriously protective of Wiglaf, possibly too protective
gasp! he is an immortal who is part of a cabal of wizards who transformed poor innocent people into magical weapons.
Ok I guess he is evil, it was too much to expect a good character in this comic.
note that only the transforming innocents into weapons is evil. Being an immortal wizard isn’t, it is pretty f****** boss actually.
But does ‘our toys’ mean ‘the toys that we were involved in making’ or does it just mean ‘the collection of magical objects that is our personal priority’?
Given how the older ‘intelligent’ magic items seem to be somewhat to severely insane; you don’t suppose Vilhelm and this mystery group monitor and contain such artifacts, perhaps even destroying the excessively dangerous ones.
Maybe leading to whomever is making the items from Grace’s set having to recreate some of the items.
Does anyone else get the impression that he’s talking to/about whathisface, Wiglaf’s biological father?
evil and a ashole
not evil and a shitty shitty ashole
I have a feeling that was that security guy who called.
There is only one immortal known in this strip. if you count high level zombies as immortals of course.
Could his friend be Gawain? He is kind of dead but also kind of immortal.