Emotional and Over Prepared
There’s a reason today’s WaM is an hour and 15 minutes late. *stabs all the panels*
Worth it.
See? This is why you should all be happy Sedrick went nuts. Hnæf gets Security hugs as a result.
…I have so much to add to the site. Seriously. I haven’t forgotten you fan art, fanfic and the like sitting in my inbox. XD I know it’s there. I know you sent it. XD I just haven’t replied because I’ve been far too lazy lately.
…be distracted by Security. Distracted. Whooooo~
I need sleep.
Uh…I can’t think of anything. Go listen to The Veronicas. I like them.
I refuse to be distracted by security! You need to up date this si- oooh shiny!
Oh, man, I am so relieved to see Hildeburh is all right. Killing off a character didn’t seem like something you’d do, especially a recently-introduced character, but with all the blood in the last strip I was like “Hildeburh, nooooo!”
I can’t help but be curious; in the… you know what, I’m too lazy to count… in the panel with Mímir, where is Hnæf’s eye? Shouldn’t it be visible? I’m guessing it’s a stylistic thing…
Style thing. XD
D’AWWWWWW! SECURITY, YOU BIG DAMN HERO! GREAT JOB GETTING IN THERE AND SAVING THE KID! Also, hurry up and grow up Hnaef, so you can get slashed like everyone else in the series. ;)
And Hildeburgh’s alive! HOORAY! Drinks all around!
..way to make a guy keep refreshing the page. ;P
(yes, I know I could have just checked Twitter, but Twitter is distracting. >.>)
Nice work. 16 panels on one page is pretty impressive.
Wonder where Security took Hnaef. One way or another he seems to have way more interest than normal in the recent turn of events.. or at least more interest than he usually lets on..
Yay, Hnaef is okay! And Hildeburh is… not dead!
*fangirls over the Security panels*
Ah, if only we all had a Security around to hug. :D
A Security blanket might be an acceptable substitute? ;3
Yes please. :D
I’ll be honest. Security never really appealed to me before, but this… D: I’m a total sucker for cute stuff, and him rescuing Hnaef is adorable.
Absolute agreement from me. Although I had always been aware that he was a bamf, I’ve now discovered that he’s a real bro. And he would make a wonderful father. Just sayin. ^_^
Yay! I second all previous posts, except maybe the first one because I know why I like Hnaef. Which if you updated this page 1 hr and 15 minutes late, than I stopped refreshing my page 3 minutes too soon so I could shower.
Also, yay for Mimir! I love the supercomputer. Funny thing about when the Mimir earing was introduced, I totally thought Hnaef was a girl.
Oh goody. I was actually getting worried for Hnaef, for a moment. Glad to see Security arrive to save the day. Awesome!
I never comment, I just wanted to tell you I loved you. This really is a very-very good page, but I love you regardless of that.
Sedrick got owned in that last couple panels, by a 13 year old boy and a super computer XD
>w< And Security needs a pair of wings now, he is this kid's guardian angel (and I just remembered, Mr. G did keep referring to him as 'guardian')
Secruity!!!!!! OF COURSE!!! He wouldn’t let his BFF Hanaef get hurt!!!!! OhmygoshLILY YOU ARE A GENIUS. and I like the random place with the grass! very appropriate for a rescue via guardian angel Security!! And Hanaef’s sad face is SO. CUTE. and YAY for alive!Hildeburh!!! So many good things in this page. SO MANY.
-does the 'I was right' dance-
Also… Sedrick is in Mímir’s room. With a crowbar. And very, very angry at his dear son. I don’t think Hnæf should be expecting Mímir to last too much longer, especially since she’s denied ‘daddy’ his information…
Mimir, we will miss you. You were a heoric computer and your sacrifice won’t be in vain. Hopefully Hnaef can take the pain of losing her.
I’m sure Hnaef could build a new computer. He /is/ a genius after all.
I’m slightly confused – has it been established if Hnaef and Hildeburgh are Sedrick’s biological kids?
Adopted–but they’ve been his kids long enough it really doesn’t make a difference if they’re biological or not.
Oh thank God. I cannot express how relieved I was to see that Hildeburgh’s brains were not all over the floor.
Ooh thank you lilly for finishing this cliffhanger in. Such a good way. Wants ta hug you now. :) and yay for security to the rescue!
Oh thank goodness. I figured either Security would show up, or Hnaef would make a spectacular jump into the nearest air vent, but still, I was pretty freaked out for Hnaef (totally one of my favorite characters).
Sedrick needs to die before the end of this arc. Yep. Preferably through a heroic showdown with either Mordred or Arthur. Just so long as he is good and dead (and doesn’t zombi like Gawain).
Goes to hug Hnaef.
I totally called it to my friend yesterday. I told him Security would come and he did! All hail the great Security!
Poor Hnaef, he’s such a sweetheart and Sedrick went and tried to bash his brains in. He believed his ‘daddy’ wouldn’t hurt him, he just underestimated how insane Sedrick had become.
Lucky for him Security and Mirmir love him a lot.
I commend you on your work.
I really, really want to give Hnaef a big hug, the poor dear.
dude….. I…. Freakin’…..LOVE…..THIS PAGE.
You have successfully made my day.
(Also, you just leveled up to being prolly my fave comic. doo-doo da-loo!)
Excellent page. There’s a lot going on in this strip, and lots of good stuff to look at. I like Sedrick’s bewildered look when the crowbar hits the floor and misses Hnaef. I also like Hnaef’s fearful and tearful expression, and also Hildeburh slowly recovering on the floor.
And of course I love how you had Security rescue Hnaef. That’s a great way to conclude a suspenseful scene. Security is always great when he’s around, and he’s a perfect choice to save Hnaef from harm. It’s certainly great for poor Hnaef that he has someone around to protect him.
I almost cried
honey, if you want security to distract us he needs a lot less clothing.
well Hnaef makes Security’s job easier so it is understandable that he would save him. i don’t think he will have any more problems accessing Hnaef network anymore(no more need to steal underwear). But you can’t help but think Security likes Hnaef just a little bit
I believe the word for this is “Deus ex machina” which would make Security God. Sounds about right to me :)!
Oh my god YES! -fist pump- ILU SECURITY, ILU!
This is the most amazing thing I’ve seen in ages, spectacular work!
Liliy, I very much hope you intend to illustrate the specific back story behind Hnaef’s adoption someday. With Hildeburh, it would be difficult to have a foundling adoption, and untold numbers of social workers would happily die to prevent Sedrick ever adopting through official channels. Did Sedrick coerce their mother/father into ceding guardianship, or something?
Great job, Security. That kid deserves a painless trip to the fields of Elysium.
If by coerce you mean horrible, messily murder by his own hand for that personal touch and fudge the documents, then yes, yes I do.
*makes note to put that in the short story book that may never see the light of day*
So much love for this page!!
I’m kind of suprised you didn’t break it up into 2 pages (but i’m glad you didn’tX^D)
Yeah, for once I didn’t want to draw it out. XD
THANK YOU SECURITY! I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see him in all my born days. Almost gave my a heart attack there!
On a slightly different note though, this does make me wonder what Security wants with Hnaef. I mean, after Mr Garrot called him “guardian” it does sort of raise questions about how much he knows. Does he have some purpose for Hnaef? Or just a soft spot for the kid?
Ah well, questions for another time. For now GO SECURITY!
This is the first time I actually *feel* how very young Hnaef is. He always acts so old over his genius. Gives me an Artemis Fowl-reference, really.
I second all the giggly fangirl-love over Hildeburh and Security, btw.
Yay! Security came to the rescue!~ Poor Hnaef though he almost got killed by the man who raised him.
Anyways Lily I have a suggestion for you, try listening to ‘Cage by Dead Letter Circus’, I actually listened to it whle reading this comic
Please please please don’t let Sedrick kill Hildeburh.
Artemis Fowl and Hnaef would get on brilliantly.
“Artemis Fowl and Hnaef would get on brilliantly.”
Or end up destroying the world in their bids to outdo each other. Really, with those two it could go either way.
i love security! love love love love him! DID I MENTION HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM!? why, you ask. because I LOVE INTEL…and if intel died…i would have to tear down this world!
thank you thank you thank you for what you just did…
(although…i AM a little concerned because cagey made a statement this morning that has me…stressing out…)
Noooo Sedrick Why DX I know you’re a villain but don’t be pure evil! Poor Hnaef and his brother! Thank god for Hnaef’s friendship with Security.