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Grace Is Happy Again

*throws up comic*

Edit: I was doing so well…WaM’ll be up late Wed. night. I’d check Thursday to be safe unless you hear otherwise on Twitter.  Thanks!


Grace smiling like that makes him looks so, un-Grace like. It’s weird. Especially since a child-murdering psycho isn’t supposed to look adorable like that xD


I think Grace is going to want to spend more time with Ben and Ecalt after this. They make stuff and Azrael and Grace kill them!


I felt really happy that Grace was happy for a moment. Then I was all like “wait, this guy is a serial killer.” -.- wow self.

I guess that just says something about how awesome these characters are that I even end up sympathizing with the serial killer. Meanwhile it’s actually kinda’ nice to see Azrael back to his own self. I’m totally with the girls on that one.


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