Had to Happen Eventually
I’m going to get straight the point. I’m not happy with this Volume of the story. It’s been hard to write, I’ve been ripping my hair out trying to make it work, and it’s been more stressful trying to get done than I’d like to admit.
So, there you go. The summary of how things were going to pan out.
I’m going to take a break on Sunday, and then we’re going to start a brand new volume & story on Wednesday. Everything that’s happened so far still happened though, so Dan and Annabelle aren’t going anywhere and Lancelot’s still gone super villain.
Thanks for your support, and I really appreciate you hanging in there with me.
Love you guys.
All the supports!
I’m excited to see what happens next!
Adorable exposition, by the way.
I love the idea that we’ve been watching recordings this whole time! Totally blows my mind!
Does that make Hnaef the narrator?
Or the manipulator of footage?!
Both. Both is good.
Well played. XD
And I am still in awe of your epic powers of pantsing. No worries!
Hey, this is the most energetic page in a while. And it still finishes the storyline in a (slightly) acceptable way.
Looking forward to what happens next! :)
I like this! Also, does this mean the lady plant is going to be a villain character alongside Lance?
Panel 3’s cute, adorable, “squee!” Security makes me so happier that I don’t feel the slightest bit slighted.
Can we have a pin-up of these two as adorably playing in a pile of leaves, or snow angels…?
Throw in Safir and Wolfie and you’ve got my support.
Wait wait wait… if this has all been footage supplied by Hnaef, does that mean that we owe outlandish fees for his services?! NOOOOOO!
Lost tapes, schmost tapes. Security in the third panel is cute enough to make it all worth it.
Squee little Security is adorable *hugs*