After Mordred ditched him in search of a way to make Bliss human(after falling in love with the orb) Wiglaf lost the last of his sanity and turned to a life of crime(and was pretty good at it too).
(Or at least that’s my head canon for this page)
I believe it’s supposed to be their kid yes(It’s been mentioned that Driver dyes her hair to look like her sisters, she’s naturally blond like her dad).
Ya know despite the fact that Driver is close to pull out her hair, we can all correctly assume that Driver’s dear o’ dad is thrilled to have a grandchild
Wait, wait,wait! This just hit me right now, zombie apocalypse and Arthur is only class S? Hnaef’s just burnt down an orphanage and is Class A! I loved this page, absolutely hilarious!
Not quite – Class S is usually reserved for things that are just off the “Normal” Scale.
Think of DBZ and scouters only going to 9,000 because there are no expected power levels getting anywhere near that but here comes some mook with a rating into the millions …. that’s class S. OR another example – setting off a Thermonuclear device in a city center would be Class A but Class S would be taking out a stellar system, star included.
I love you so very much. This is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time. Hnaef is absolutely adorable. And I love basically everything about this page. XD
it’s obvious that wiglaf did not turn to a life of crime but once again went though an air port. the ladies just wanted to get him holding that sign. oh and he’s telling them to run because their boss is behind them.
Someone needs to expand on that ‘photo shoot’ of Wiglaf. I really, really want to hear the story behind that. Especially the scars on his face. If I ignore all the other panels, I can have SO much fun with that one. Maybe Mordred was killed and he decided to heck with the world? Maybe Mordred was captured by some government agency (and the Garrots were all massacred or captured as well because obviously they would never let Mordred be taken captive)? Is he a freedom fighter against some 1984-esque nation? Did he simply snap under the pressure of being everyone’s favorite hero and go evil? I definitely get a sense of weary-but-deadly about him, which makes me consider betrayal or the death of a friend (coughMORDREDcough) being the cause… Either way, criminal!Wiglaf will be out of that prison in about five seconds, so you should be thinking about getting out of the way, kthx.
…I put way, way too much thought into that. Anyway. Mordred with long hair and a ponytail mmmmyum. Shirtless Security mmmyum. Grown-up Hnæf, mmmmmmmmyummmtastyyy.
“For burning down an orphanage? Standards have dropped.”
[Grumpy Old Villain mode] In *MY* day, you had to burn down *TWO* Orphanages *AND* an animal shelter in order to get a Class A villain card! An’ we *LIKED* it! [/Grumpy Old Villain mode]
My headcanon: standards are as high as ever, but Hnaef’s used hacking to such tremendous evil effect on so many different occasions — in the end, his cyber vandalism is even more impressive than arson, and more than worthy of the Class A rating.
I love how only Hnæf, Mordred, Wiglaf, and Driver look *slightly* different, although all the other characters look the same. I mean, if those four grew older, wouldn’t the others do the same? xD
Arthur, Janus and Sedrick are already in their 30′s. Aside from maybe some grey hairs(which can be hidden with dye), there wouldn’t be much of a difference-appearance wise- between 30 and 40.(and as liliy said during the stream, she can’t draw older people xD)
Lol Security xD
After Mordred ditched him in search of a way to make Bliss human(after falling in love with the orb) Wiglaf lost the last of his sanity and turned to a life of crime(and was pretty good at it too).
(Or at least that’s my head canon for this page)
totally cause he was so angry that his only friend left him for an orb. Lol Hnaef burned down an Orphanage.
When I saw the sketch I was thinkin
Arthur: I have a date! What am I supposed to do?!?!
Janus: Surprised me as well. Didn’t think a girl would actually go out with you.
OMFG security i love you xD
He is awesome and topless/naked. *stares at security*
*drools* Nakie Security….
You are awesome. =] Just for saying that.
Is that… is that Driver?!! … and her and lancelot’s kid? wiht daddy issues??????
Those…eyes…and that hairstyle…damn april fools.
I believe it’s supposed to be their kid yes(It’s been mentioned that Driver dyes her hair to look like her sisters, she’s naturally blond like her dad).
Ya know despite the fact that Driver is close to pull out her hair, we can all correctly assume that Driver’s dear o’ dad is thrilled to have a grandchild
Oh my God! When I read about Driver and her kid I thought I was going to die of laughter.
Wait, wait,wait! This just hit me right now, zombie apocalypse and Arthur is only class S? Hnaef’s just burnt down an orphanage and is Class A! I loved this page, absolutely hilarious!
Maybe class ‘S’ is higher than class ‘A’ just because.
Usually, in anime at least, S is higher then A.
I suspect this is asian-style categories — class S is the top level, class A is the second, class B is the third. Not sure why.
Oh, different grading systems…Diabolical!
Not quite – Class S is usually reserved for things that are just off the “Normal” Scale.
Think of DBZ and scouters only going to 9,000 because there are no expected power levels getting anywhere near that but here comes some mook with a rating into the millions …. that’s class S. OR another example – setting off a Thermonuclear device in a city center would be Class A but Class S would be taking out a stellar system, star included.
Why is it, that I can totally see Wiglaf reaching that state if he ever went villain :) I love this page.
I love you so very much. This is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time. Hnaef is absolutely adorable. And I love basically everything about this page. XD
It’s been a slow day. Thank you for giving me an April First Treat. (Suppose Sunday April Fools wouldn’t be that full of antics…)
it’s obvious that wiglaf did not turn to a life of crime but once again went though an air port. the ladies just wanted to get him holding that sign. oh and he’s telling them to run because their boss is behind them.
That was amazing. Also, lol naked Security.
Someone needs to expand on that ‘photo shoot’ of Wiglaf. I really, really want to hear the story behind that. Especially the scars on his face. If I ignore all the other panels, I can have SO much fun with that one. Maybe Mordred was killed and he decided to heck with the world? Maybe Mordred was captured by some government agency (and the Garrots were all massacred or captured as well because obviously they would never let Mordred be taken captive)? Is he a freedom fighter against some 1984-esque nation? Did he simply snap under the pressure of being everyone’s favorite hero and go evil? I definitely get a sense of weary-but-deadly about him, which makes me consider betrayal or the death of a friend (coughMORDREDcough) being the cause… Either way, criminal!Wiglaf will be out of that prison in about five seconds, so you should be thinking about getting out of the way, kthx.
…I put way, way too much thought into that. Anyway. Mordred with long hair and a ponytail mmmmyum. Shirtless Security mmmyum. Grown-up Hnæf, mmmmmmmmyummmtastyyy.
And poor, poor Driver. XD
“For burning down an orphanage? Standards have dropped.”
[Grumpy Old Villain mode] In *MY* day, you had to burn down *TWO* Orphanages *AND* an animal shelter in order to get a Class A villain card! An’ we *LIKED* it! [/Grumpy Old Villain mode]
Extra points if you get the reference.
My headcanon: standards are as high as ever, but Hnaef’s used hacking to such tremendous evil effect on so many different occasions — in the end, his cyber vandalism is even more impressive than arson, and more than worthy of the Class A rating.
*end headcanon*
I love how only Hnæf, Mordred, Wiglaf, and Driver look *slightly* different, although all the other characters look the same. I mean, if those four grew older, wouldn’t the others do the same? xD
Well, except for Security. Security is forever young.
Arthur, Janus and Sedrick are already in their 30′s. Aside from maybe some grey hairs(which can be hidden with dye), there wouldn’t be much of a difference-appearance wise- between 30 and 40.(and as liliy said during the stream, she can’t draw older people xD)
Ok, as far as april fools go, that would actually be future I’d like to see happening.
Also Security should grow some chesthair, men(especially manly kind) must have chesthair unless ridiculous ammount of showy muscles exist.
Haha, I did not expect an April Fools joke for a comic. This is hilarious!
I was so confused by the blondness.
I thought Bliss would stay pink as a physical person!
Why when she was blond as a human?
ME: …Why are you suddenly shirtless?
SECURITY: Why wouldn’t I be?
wiglaf’s a lot shorter than I thought
looks amazing nonetheless
ok, so i missed the first april fools page. where can i see it ? :D
*laughing* These scenes are just too rich. The one with the twins is really great. XD
I feel like the part of this that concerns me the most is the fact that bliss and mordred appear to be getting married whilst naked. xD;;
grown up mordred’s hair is so PRETTY.
and, lolol @ this comic. love driver.
poor wiglaf. he couldn’t cope.