He Misses That Scarf
I answered a couple questions on the last strip, if you’re interested. :D
And I do want to be clear, while I will be changing a few things (jokes that I feel didn’t age well, making Driver’s speech more obvious she’s supposed to be Southern, etc), the overall plot and story will be the same–it’ll just look and flow nicer. :D
I’m really excited about it, so I hope you all will be, too.
Edit: D&D was a little more involved than normal. Our DM for this campaign actually plans ahead and in detail so there’s less sitting around waiting. LOL. Not as much time to draw. XD I did crochet though! WaM, not so much. I will see you for sure on Wednesday though. :D
He will get his emotional support scarf back.
…I fully admit that I’m the type of person who states that without wanting it to be teasing. I understand the benefits of an emotional support clothing accessory. I regret not using my own at the moment, but I also am actively refusing to use it when it isn’t practical to do so (as it’s a hat).
He will! Mordred will get to lose it all over again, but until then, he will get i back. :3
Yeah, I can see how a hat is less accepted at all times.