High Pain Tolerance
I was falling asleep while drawing. You’ll get the finished strip later today (Friday). XD Thanks for being patient with me.
In the meantime – Tangent gave WaM another Secant Review. I know I’m going in the right direction when one of those show up. :D *loves reviews*
I sleep now.
Edit: Yeah. Okay. So you got it Saturday Morning around 1AM. I’m a loser. XD I get it. *runs away*
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Whiskey Lullaby” by Brad Paisley & Allison Krauss
Just listen to it.
Geoffry looks odd without his glasses.
Sedrick has gone off the deep end.
And Janus is pissed.
And Sedrick has a death wish, a really, really big one.
To quote Mordred “It’s quite possibly the size of an ocean.”
If you’re wondering, he said it here- http://liliy.net/wam/archive/maybe-even-bigger/
Oh wow- WOW. Lack of context- and color- REALLY confused me for this page. On my first read I thought it was Arthur on this page- don’t ask me how I overlooked the boobs- in bed with the Security guy. SHIRTLESS Security guy. WOW. I’m gonna… go do something else now…
im pretty sure that geoffry in bed and shirtless xD
It is Geoffry, just without his glasses.
Yep, I did that too. :P
Hey just got to your site (this is Levi btw). (I’m about to go to work to explain the time.) Nevertheless, I have to say everything is quite impressive, but that would be expected from a project that has been around as long as you have told me. ^_^ Well, looking forward to reading more when I get home from work.. comics are generally hard to follow when starting from the middle. ^_^
Yeah. XD Thanks for stopping by!!! Hope work goes well. :)
Hmmm… Twin senses telling Janus something’s wrong?
Eiter that, or Sedrick is just Up To Something. And when isn’t he, really?
…And did he just shoot her in the shoulder? D:
Yes he did.
That explains the title, at least!
Nuuu~ I really wanna see what they’re saying….but I can wait >:
Meep. Looks like all the Garrott siblings are getting drawn into this mess.
Janus, just go to plan B!
Doubtless Sedrick already calculated in whatever’s under the pillow.
I thought it was gunna be fixed later today (Or yesterday if you want to get technical)
I failed. XD Stop rubbing it in. *is updating right now*
lul ur still awesome so its ok~ =w=
typo in panel 8 btw ;P
wait… guard, the guy that is teleporting around… is her chained husband?
No, that’s Geoffry. Security is, elsewhere.
What I love is how after shouting, the first words out of her mouth are “You! How dare you!” Damn but that’s one tough woman!
And Liliy? You’re full of win and awesomeness. A one-day-late update doesn’t change that. ^^;;
Since Sed didn’t kill her instantly, I’m gonna guess she wasn’t the one to be murdered.
Or he want to pratice monologing again.
Or third guess is, is she attacks him, he can claim self defense, but I doubt that would hold up in front of the parents.
I’m looking forward to Janus smacking the tar out of Sedrick here.
Or barring that, having Sedrick come back to see Hnæf and run into Mr. G. Ideally with Alistair, Galen, and Ricky <_<
That reaction would be interesting if nothing else.
I’ll drink to that! -takes a swig of beer-