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Hnæf Would Still Find You

Yeah, so I’ve been dropping the ball lately.

No one to blame but myself, of course, but that’s how it goes.

And I won’t like, most of it revolves around procrastinating.

Also, Transformers Prime still rocks. So much. *huggles Knock Out, Soundwave and of course, Starscream*

Song Listening Recommendation:

“Equestria Girls” from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Well Azzie’s obviously feeling nervous anyway. His hands are going to hurt as soon as he realizes what he’s just done. ooow.


Grace is a rapier so, holding the sword that was is safe. The sharp part is the tip. No edged blade like on Éclat, Prudence or Camlann.




If you look at the third panel Azzie’s hands are bleeding. Which is what I was referring to. He held Grace tight enough to cut himself WITHOUT a bladed edge.


I’m not sure if his hand is bleeding or if Liliy forgot to put the outline around Grace at the bottom and the red is Az’s jacket. It seems a little out of character for him to be THAT nervous this quickly.


I don’t want to call guin stupid, because she really doesn’t know any better and is just really really unlucky to try to deal with Driver, Azzie, wiglaf and Security!
And I totally understand dropping the ball all the time, I tell myself o do hw early and end up staying up all night and not finishing it


Funny story about Prime. I just got the DVD myself (figured I owed them for watching the entire thing online, plus I saw if for $10 off). I got so wrapped up in watching it through that upon the end of disc 3 I realized today was daylight savings time. Really have to salute an animation crew when the show makes you question whether or not you want to risk sleep deprivation on weekend (when you reclaim lost time) for the sake of a fourth disc.


FFFF SECURITY!!! You muffin <3 Thought it IS a well known fact that Security gives the BEST manicures.
Also AZZY! stop holding Grace so hard you're getting BLOOD all over EVERYTHING. poor babby that's gonna HURT when he notices it.


I think I must have been too focused on the blood… Wow, Mordred used Wiglaf’s NAME in the last panel. Is that going to be normal now? <3


Ha, Guin better not try to take Eclat and Grace. I get the feeling Ben might not like fighting but he’ll kill anyone who takes Eclat away before he’s done recuperating from being apart for so long. And we all know how Azzie gets when Grace is taken from him *flashback to when he was confined in bed while still employed by Arthur*
I believe his words were that he’d kill them all if he didn’t get back Grace? XD Him versus multiple artifact Guin would be so one-sides; Azzie wins if Grace is on the line.


don’t forget Guin has 3 artifacts with her now, and we don’t know what they do, so it may still be possible for her to stand her ground against them all.


Eclat would go crazy being stuck with all those women if he was taken away he would be clawing at the walls wanting to escape.


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