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Intense Longing

You know, I can’t remember if Azrael still works for the Garrett family or not, but he is still on payroll. lol.


From memory, he no longer works for Arthur. I don’t remember if Janus picked up his contract afterwards, or if whether or not the specifics of his contract moved to the default “general family employ” afterwards.

That said, I can 100% see a situation where his paycheck was in question… until Grace stopped being a sword. Then Mr Garrott (aka Garrott Senior) ensured that he was on the payroll at his old pay rate on the condition that Grace remains human. Simply because if “Boss” ever finds out, he’d be annoyed at the fact that Mr Garrott is paying to feed most (2/3) of the humanity-restored Artifacts, if not all of them.

…yeah, I can see him buying Benjamin’s Quilt Shop just to ensure that he remains employed and Éclat remains fed as a human. Purely so that he can rub Boss’s face in it for two seconds.


Perhaps he’s kept on as a secret retainer by Arthur Junior or maybe Sedrick made a bigger mess of things than we saw in the aftermath of his takeover of Garrot Manor? Either way, Azzy must still be on file & no one has noticed… well besides Hnæf.


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