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It’s Normal Cake

I am making myself want cake far too much. Lol.

Edit: I knitted instead of drawing WaM during D&D. Lol. So uh. Crafts took priority? XD; I’ll see you on Wednesday.

Edit 2: I have some news that requires more than a little blurb here. Lol. But the TLDR is I’m rebooting WaM in the near future. Stay tuned for the Last Arc of WaM on Friday. XD


If by “failed the cake”, you mean “didn’t cut it in half, fill the middle with cream & add icing”, then yes, you failed the cake, Grace. If by “failed the cake” you mean “didn’t make a good box cake”, than you didn’t fail the cake. That’s what box cakes are FOR.


Grace please. It looks like the only thing he didn’t do was frost it lol. It’s not burnt by the sounds of it.


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