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It’s Wiglaf. That’s Why.

The title says it all to answer any questions you may have about this strip.

And as a cat owner, I shall confirm Herschell’s statement as truth.

And it’s 1AM so I’m heading out to bed without further comment. :D

Love ya’ all! XD

“It’s time to start the music.”

Muppets. Go see it.


I can also confirm Herschall’s statement, being the “owner” of two cats(and having had two previous).
Wiglaf has magic chainmail?


Why is the background letter envelopes?

It’s Wiglaf, that’s why.


The background is letter envelopes.
The strip discusses Wiglaf’s chain mail.
The background is letter envelopes because it’s Wiglaf.
Probably completely unintentional, but whatever. XD


Other than Mordred’s amazing comeback. I can also vouch for cat’s tendencies to think they own the house xD


I can confirm the other way around. Once cat hass been shown who is boss they are obidient, as long as their owner can hear or see them.


They’re just letting yo u think you’re in charge, they’re still in charge.
After all, they’ve got us trained to feed them when they’re hungry, to clean up after them, to pet them when they come to us, to play with them when they want…


So that’s exactly like a dog then…


No, dogs let you be the one in charge. XD


That’s what they let you think and even if were so, they still get what they want just as cats. ;)


Yeah, but a dog’ll still love you even if you forget to feed/walk/pay attention to it. XD (Not that you should do those things, dogs are just loyal/awesome like that).

My cat goes feral if her food dish so much as looks empty. At any point. XD


i don’t get why Herscell wants to know what Wiglaf’s chainmail is made of when clearly the bullet went through it, thus the blood, so making it vulnerable to gun shots and not much of a metallic barrier…


I think it was implied to have only broken the skin because the impact was great enough to do so, not because the bullet actually went through the chainmail…


And even if it didn’t stop the bullet, the armor slowed the bullet down so much that it the bullet stopped in his arm. I don’t have a lot of experience, but it seems to me that a bullet from a gun like that should go through an arm easily enough. The armor prevented it from going into Wiglaf’s chest.


It’s very true. Cats do rule the house. The humans are just their personal attendants. XD

Mordred may have forgotten that he himself is pretty much a stray taken in by Lackey. XD


i can honestly say i am pissed i caught up with the story. (i absolutely HATE waiting for the next episode of anything…) so it looks like i have to start over from the beginning…again…

i think you should start putting out three times as many of these a week…because i hate to wait… ;p


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