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Jinxed It

I’m such a loser. A sketch yet again until further notice. This is why I never draw backgrounds. *stares at clock reading 2:30AM Sat.* Why!? Why!

Ha ha ha…curse you procrastination, new Steam Games (Speaking! Thanks to you knew friends – even if I have no idea who a few of you are by user name alone XD – I’m still GreyLiliy!) and Transformers Fanfiction. And that nasty inability to pay attention to any one thing for an extended period of time…and excuses! I love those too!

I really need to get out more. First trying to draw a night club while never having been to a club and now drawing a cruise scene without…ever being on a cruise. I’m sensing a trend to these things. Though, it’s not like I’d go on a cruise. The idea of being on a boat in the middle of the ocean freaks me out. Not only do I get motion sick now-a-days but fish make me nervous.

Not sharks. Not jelly fish. Not Sting Rays. And Never Sea Horses.

But Fish. With their dead beady little creepy eyes and….I’m done. *coughs*

Song Listening Recommendation:

“Mr. Tambourine Man” by Bob Dylan


gotta say, much as I love the strip, the accompanying artist dialog and subsequent confession of fear of fish eyes was my favorite part. I wonder if there is a medical term for such a phobia, pisceocularphobia perhaps? :cool:


There is actually a term for a fear of fish, it’s ichthyophobia! There’s a huge phobia list on the internet, just go to and see. =D

I dunno about a fear of fish eyes though.


Looks like Gawain and Hagen are also having a good time, although dark sunglasses while in the pool is a bit creepy, sort of like fishy dead eyes. :D


Yay for full-body shots of some of the main characters. And Wiglaf goes swimming without a stitch of chainmaille? Who knew? Though… I suppose the fact that Mordred might go swimming at all should be a bigger surprise….

This is a great sketch, Liliy. The blocking/flow works exceptionally well. It’ll be a treat to see it in color.


Hey, Liliy? About that cast relationship chart… is Brynhildr really the only Valkyrie with a crush on Azrael?


That would be an affirmative. :) The other two aren’t particularly interested in him romantically. *nods*


Heh. Y’know…I don’t really see why they feel the need to hide…it’s a cruise…it’s not uncommon to see the same people more then once in different places. :happy:

Plus…they kinda suck at it. :raisebrow:

Yay sketchy page~ does Mordred ever not look bored out of his mind…I guess he’s upset that Miglaf isn’t freaking out or feeling uncomfortable on the ship anymore. :sly:


The unsubtlety makes it fun, though! Not to mention Wiglaf and Mordred are probably the most oblivious people on the planet anyway.

Glad to see Mordred’s hair growing out. I was getting tired of the pink. :P


Nice to see Wiglaf having a good time on the cruise. And I’m getting a kick out of Gawain and Hagen hanging out in every scene in their sunglasses like a couple of super-spies. Nice detail on all of the panels, Liliy. Seeing the strip in color will be fun.


Nice coloring. In the second panel, I really like the portholes looking out from the dining room to the sea, with the blue water and white mist seen outside. The deep shade of blue looks great for the ocean in all the panels.


Guess I should finally comment, considering I’ve been reading this for several months now… And I love your work! Also I may be one of those who added you on steam who you don’t recognize :$


:D I am so waiting what happens next.. after all one never ever is allowed to say how nice it is in the cruise. I for one found it out hard way :lol2:


No, seriously, there should be fic about these two on vacation.

Also, wow, I totally didn’t notice those other guys lurking in the background until I read the page over again. Doi.


I love how less subtle Gawain and Hagen get with each panel. At first it’s like “ah, the miles of ocean is lovely” to “hmm, strange dinner accessories” then “um, what are you doing?”

I have to be honest, I totally expected Wiglaf in a speedo but I’m surprised to see Mordred in swim shorts. Goodness knows he may get sunburn!

Great comic Liliy. And the colors of the ocean are lovely.


lol, I didn’t notice till now, but are Gawain and Hagen the only other passengers on the ship?


…the other passengers are hiding. Just out of frame. The cruise is packed, I swear. 0_0


heh, I don’t blame you in the least for not wanting to draw crowds. X_x And if it took me three or four times seeing the page before I even wondered whether that was part of the joke that I’d failed to notice, I’d say it works fine. :) The panels are focused enough that it makes sense to leave out the other people… I just wondered if I’d missed something. ^^;;


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