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Kentucky Daddy

Sorry…late…wanted to finish this one. *passes out*

Song Listening Recommendation:

“Stairway to Heaven”  - the Dolly Parton Cover!


Golden Barber, eh? I wonder where he got that name. XD Driver looks so happy to see him though. :B And poor Horatio, just no realizing his plans are destined to fail.


Haha, that’s very cute. All the pink, purple and sparkles in the backgrounds really capture the merriment of the scene. “The Golden Barber” is an amusing name.

Driver’s glee=win Her glee really shines through.
Mordred’s punchline=win He seems to be enjoying the unexpected complication of the mission. Maybe Sedrick deliberately posted Driver’s dad at the door as a distraction while he and Hnaef set up the next phases of their strategy. That would make sense.


Yay. I was waiting for that.

“It’s too small to have that sort of material” is easily one of your best punchlines, Liliy. Nice work.


Oh! I remember in quite a few pages back, you wrote in your author’s comments that you wanted someone to call Driver, ‘baby doll’ (or something to that effect)! Haha glad that you got your wish! :D


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