No! The Tape!
For the record, I think the blood splatter on her outfit looks more like dirty water than mud.
I love Galen. She’s way too much fun. Yay for Mad Doctors!! They make life happy.
Oh, and in life happy news – WAM Has joined TV Tropes alongside True Magic and Emergency Exit. So all you TV Tropers out there can get editing! :D The article is small right now but your’e welcome to it.
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Monsters” By Matchbook Romance
Yay for psychotic nurses! It’s probably a good thing Gawain can’t die. XD
Alright, only because the line has to be said by someone:
Oh awesome, I love tvtropes. *goes to see, promptly gets stuck there for hours*
I feel a lot of fun coming up in the strips ahead…
I’m wondering a bit if you’ve continued with the swedish thingy here. In swedish, galen means crazy. Translate that word and you get “I am crazy. Just crazy.”
That’s a rather nice coincidence actually. XD That fits great.
She’s actually named after the Roman Physician from Ad 129-200/17. though. :$
ohh dear… oh deary dear… she was on the tape wasn’t she…
oh… she was… Poor poor Gawain.
Run you fool! run!
Indeed… and why he is not, I don’t know.
he should have run when she popped up at the door. A person, with ried blood all over them asking if your invulnerable. never a good sign.
Haha, poor Gawain. He should indeed be very afraid now. ^_^ This is getting very fun. Galen is crazy but lovable. XD
XD “Ricky the Team Killer.” Yay.
I was JUST about to say that!
Great minds think similarly.
Lol, I love how they have a list of team members that you shouldn’t be around by yourself. And the fact that Galen shuts it off just before it mentions her. :P
now I’m looking at this again, I wonder who else is supposed to be avoided. There must be a bunch, considering…
One does think they would’ve mentioned Janus first, or at least after Azrael.
Ah, but Janus is an employer, not an employee. It was, after all, a training video for new recruits.
“The Doc-”
That wouldn’t end “-tor”, unless he was undercover…would it?