Old School Needle
Ha. And you thought this thing would be too serious. XD
Yes. Sedrick does happen to have a collection of old medical equipment that could be used for good old fashioned interrogation. He’s old school that way.
Or Liliy just likes metal needles more than throw-away plastic ones.
Either way.
Arthur go night-night now. XD
Song Listening Recommendation:
“I Still Believe” by Danny Gokey
rule #1: never startle the guy with the sedative
rule #2: don’t stab the security
Silly Sedrick, Security is immune to your mortal sedatives, they have no effect on him.
Silly Security… You say that like he has multiple friends to go around stabbing with sedatives. (I’m on the chopping block in Seddy’s new world order, aren’t I? But I have a point.)
I suppose you can use the…security for a gag.
Wonder if Security will be affected by the sedative?
Sed probably used all the sedative on Arthur, but I’m rather impressed he got Security.
But if Security is on a riot squad in addition his airport duties, he probably has to deal with stuff like this all the time. It’s also probably good that Sed got Security over anyone else who lives in that house…
“oh, master G. So sorry. I just knocked him out…”
O.O Sedrick’s dead. Security’ll kill’em.
I SAID BOSS, BOSS! -shifty eyes-
If he killed his boss, he’d have to worry about Arthur Sr.
Killing Arthur Jr. would be suicide. Maiming on the other hand, not so much.
.-. That would be horrifying.
….I don’t know who I fear for more; Sedrick, Arthur, or Security…. Somehow I sense imminent doom in Sedrick’s direction…. O.O
Aaaand . . . scene II! (We don’t find out what happens to the security guy.)
why do i feel like that everything in the comic that has happened up till now is a prolog ?
‘and please say you disinfected that’
♥ Sooo much love for security. Is this the part where Sedrick does the hurting the one he loves thing?
Also… this kind of feels like the end to the entrance to a larger story line… O.O looks like its going to be EPIC… EPIC I TELL YOU!!! Or at least… I hope… :3
Not exactly what I called, but just you wait, Sedrick. Security will turn out to be the main villain yet.
Joking aside, though: Security is going to be pissed about that whole being stabbed in the arm with a sedative. On the other hand, now it gives him an excuse to have … fun with Sedrick, so he won’t complain too much. … Err, not that Liliy ever gives him enough screen time to let him complain about anything except for humorous interludes.
You know, in some ways Security is like Q from Star Trek: TNG. Full of awesome and whimsy, but definitely appears when least expected. =^-^=
Or in other words, I didn’t see this coming. Despite Security’s multiple prior appearances just like this! Well done!
Which is faster the knock-out shot Security just received or his ability to travel through space and time, in a as yet undisclosed method, to get to a nice bed to sleep it off in safety.
Stabbing Security right after Arthur really isn’t sanitary…
I think I’d be more concerned if it were the other way around.
I cringe at how unsanitary this is.
oh no, he made physical contact with Security! he will be sucked into a time space void with no hope of return, as only Security knows who to navigate it (it’s how he shows up everywhere).