Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, everyone! :D I drew Boudica because I wanted to remind myself she existed, the same reason I introduced Brat into this story arc. XD
But anyway: Tada! The first new WaM on the new-to-me computer! :D Going from 12gigs of Ram to 4 is a little rough, but it has a better processor than my old machine (funny enough). So it’s been give and take.
Thank you so much for all your patience waiting for things to get back to normal. I’m still saving up for a new machine, but for right now it looks like this one will last for a bit.
But more importantly – did you miss me?
Edit: Hey guys! :D I hope everyone’s been having a good holiday season. :3 Mine’s been pretty chill, but I’m still feeling the holiday laziness, so I’m going to embrace it. So WaM’ll still be up Wednesday, it’ll just be up in the evening.
Congrats on the new-to-you computer! Even if it has less Ram, at least it shouldn’t be crashing any more.
Yes, yes I missed you. Hope your holiday was fun!
Whoooooo!!! Yay!! Happy every holiday and welcome back!!