And just like last year, I finished out the Pair-a-Thon prizes from last year, just as the Pair-a-Thon for this year ends. Whoo hoo. XD
So, this one is a pin-up for Katt who wanted Hnæf & Safir acting their age, while Security spies & Geoffry and Hildeburh glare. :D
Hope you like it!
I’ll be posting this year’s entries to be voted on after Work. :D So be ready for it Saturday!
Aww, (though Safir seems to have aged up to match Hnaef xD).
Run Security run, before the familial units get you!
I suspect Security will soon be the proud owner of not one, but two black eyes!
How did Geoffrey get out of the house…?
I LOVE it!!! Thank you so much. I think it is perfect.
Just sorry you had to wait so long. XD