Kudos who recognize what this is a callback to. XD *thumbs up*
Uh, Pair-a-Thon is still going on, you still have a month! So go get those entires in!
And…I think that’s it. :3
Thanks for reading guys! <3
Edit: Speaking of reading! If you’re one of my older readers (I’m thinking the 14 & up crowd)in the mood for a little sci-fi/horror in the form of yandere androids & a violent murder mystery, you should check out my book!
Especially since I forgot to mention earlier that Children of Hephaestus is now available on Nook, iBooks, & Kobo in addition to Kindle & Paperback for $4.99 (Digital) & 14.99 (Paperback)!
Thanks again for being awesome! :D
(Text break for contrast so you notice the new below message:)
Edit 2: Pulling some late hours for work this week. No WaM on Wed. Sorry! T_T
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Set Fire To The Rain” by Adele
I feel like I should know/remember but I don’t can’t xD
Really Mordred, you tried to fight Wiglaf?
it was from the begin of the comic… or rather close to the beginning. It was rather funny.
So recently I realized that Mordred and I each have pink hair and three black rings. My roots are blond and I wear my rings on different fingers than he does, but it’s still weird.
It only took three comics for Mordred to tell Wiglaf he hated him… I feel like this exact phrase has been said more often than that. Hmm…. excuse to reread archives, ENGAGE!
Yup, looks like strip number 3 to me – since that includes the Wiglaf-pins-Mordred as well as the dialogue…
*high fives for knowing right away*
how do you send applications for the pair a thon?
More info here! :D
Initially, when Mordred wouldn’t tell Wiglaf what he was reading and Wiglaf tackled him and took his paper. That’s how they started on the Sword of Camlann business. :)
What?!?! No background just plane white empty space! It doesn’t even look like there is a floor it looks so plain.
I think Wiglaf should tell Mordred “You got the dog. It’s your responsibility, so you go look for it”
O.O Mordred… are you SMILING in the last panel?!?
I think it’s more of the kind of smirk that’s like ‘I’m going to flip over and rip your throat out in a second.
I think he finds it somewhat humorous that this scene is playing out again, as well, but with a far better understanding of Wiglaf this time.
Please. Somebody. Explain. How do you Pairathon? Because I want to.
More info right here! :D
” If you’re one of my older readers (I’m thinking the 14 & up crowd)”
For the first time, I am now feeling very old. I’m a reader and 24…
I mostly meant I consider my book about a PG-13 rating, more so than the majority of my readers are young–if that makes you feel better. XD *knows quite a few readers here are in their late teens and early twenties*
Heck, I’m more than *twice* as old as you (51) so don’t feel *too* bad just yet…
I’m 16 :D
Ha ha, it’s great to see our protagonists coming full circle to one of their classic moments. As always, they play off each other nicely.
Congrats on the book! =DD
I love the last panel. And the call back! (yee).
…is that a tiny bit of ship tease or is that just my imagination?
Hey, they’ve actually grown? :D
*art evolution’d*