Sewn, Not Zipped
Yeah, so this arc was going nowhere. So! I grabbed something I planned to introduce way later and decided to shove it in here now and switch gears. It’s a decent transition and it involves the artifacts anyway, so it all works. Plus, we just left Vilhelm so he’s still fresh in your minds. Hopefully.
EDIT: WaM’ll be late Friday. Check back Saturday morning to be safe. XD
The Lorax Soundtrack. I have it on loop. Listen to it~ XD
XD Even the other characters think Wigs and Mordred are a couple.
They are, they just in denial.
De Nile is not just a river in northeastern Africa :P
It’s hard not to see it. There is LUUURRRVVEEE in the air.
Ok, so is Wiglif’s dad evil or, part of some strange underground conspiracy? What ever it is, it’s sure getting interesting.
Why in the world do you think he is evil?
He is:
1. Talking about doing damage control.
2. Concerned about obviously evil artifacts gathering together.
3. Imprisoning an obviously insane and dangerous and potentially evil magic sword that wants to kill his son…
4. Showing a sense of humor
Actually he is most like a good guy. Remember that the main characters of this comic are evil.
Keep in mind, all of the parents and older siblings are ridiculous protective, it would make sense that something like this would eventually happen.
AH-HAH!if all the main characters are evil,then they are technically good,so good guys are evil!
True. His actions would appear to be good, but the thing is, we don’t know what his motives are. And he did sew Camlann’s mouth shut. Which isn’t necessarily something nice people do.
He just has a lot of ominous foreshadowing that makes him ominous, so we suspect him, instead of seeing him as a good guy.
HELLO. Is Vilhelm my new favorite character? I think SO.
I nominate him for the ambiguously good. As in he is being kinda creepy and sinister, but on the other hand, he DID raise wiggy, so he can’t actually be evil methinks.
And @Lyra, seconded. :D
Ben… Y U SO CUTE? *squee*
I’m not sure what I think of Vilhelm… He’s starting to remind me of Sedrick for some reason…
Vilhelm creeps me out way more than Sedrick at this moment.
I have to agree with you on that.
I’m very uncertain about what I think right now… Sedrick creeped me out, but I loved him incredibly much that the evilness was almost a bonus for me. I like Vilhelm, but I haven’t had enough time to really love him yet so I’m not sure how to react if he’s evil… Wiglaf would be very upset.
Camlan’s mouth is sewn shut!
Camlan looks like a zombie. I wonder why Vilhelm is so interested about the artifacts. Does he want to destroy them? Maybe….. HE is older then he looks and is acctually a Sorcorer and is the one who bound them to the objects and now he plns on destroying them.
Je’s starting to creep me out a bit too now.
Ack typo demons curse you.
Corrections are now made.
‘plan’ and ‘he’ also ‘sorcerer’
Ok. That was alot. Security ties into the artifacts somehow. And maybe Gawain too, that necklace of his y’know. Though I wonder if Camlann has any kind of relation to the artifacts prior to his path crossin’ with Grace, Bliss, and Éclat?
Where do you get the idea that Security ties in with the artefacts?
Hmm Well it seems his “actual” (possibly and he prefers Security) name is Guardian, maybe he was sent to guard over the objects. Still i say Vilheml is creeping me out and is actually a wizard.
Well played, Liliy. Well played. And yes, when you’ve got extraneous plot, it’s best to crop it and speed things along if that’s what works best. :)
*Snerk* Hahahaha, he got Camlann to shut up. This just made my day.
Hi Liliy, I’ve never commented before,but I’d just like to say I really love WAM. But yeah. Vilhelm in the last panel is really creepy.
very creepy
Vilhelm terrifies me – in a good way.
For some reason I feel like Vilhelm is talking to Hnæf.
No, because when he was first texting about Bliss (way back in the Sedrick going crazy arc), he said “Do your job, imbeciles” or words to that effect. The plural implies there is a whole network of people under his command. Though possibly he is using Hnæf’s network.
XD Villheim is reassuring my obsession for characters with glasses, really he is. ^w^
Also, I love it when Azzie calls Grace “love” X3
thought you should know the “next” and “last” links aren’t working for this page…
Theoretically it should have been fixed when you posted this. XD *should have refreshed the cache*
Poor Wiglaf, he thought he had such a normal family, but nope it’s about as crazy as Mordred’s
Whoa. How powerful can he be to imprison Camlann like that?!!