She Got Bored
Wow. Three days off and my inner clock is totally out of whack. I doubt anything goes up when it should this week. Heh…you’ll probably’ll see Wed.’s WaM very late.
But yeah – busy busy. Went to Katsucon and had a blast. Had some fun cosplaying and of course – announced the Pair-a-Thon winners.
Oh, and in other news – I’m going to be on TGT Webcomics this Saturday! :D So make sure you tune in to check it out and watch me embarrass myself. :D
And yes. Those aren’t sodas in the last panel. They’re all well above the legal drinking age. XD
I’m sure they’re just going to play Ludo.
Song Listening Recommendation:
“21 Guns” by Green Day
“I doubt anything goes up when it should this week.”
That’s what she said.
I apologize for my excessive immaturity. :P
On a comic related note, I like the “You are worthless” line.
Ludo, right… Ludo. I’m positive that’s all they’re going to do. Play Ludo.
With lot’s of alcohol.
And chains. XD
I have no idea what she is holding…and I think that is perfectly acceptable.
“You are worthless.” …is that an oblique call-out to “Spiky-Haired Dragon, Worthless Knight” ( http://www.shd-wk.com/ )? Whoa… I never considered that Wiglaf looked sort of like Sir Worthless until now… Wiglaf isn’t going to go all maudlin on us, is he?
It shouldn’t amuse me as much as it does that Janus pluralized “hero” in the last panel. Oh, were Mordred and Driver to hear that!
Congratulations and good luck on the TGT Webcomics thing, Liliy! You’re going to do just fine.
No…total coincidence. XD
Ha ha…and yeah. They would be pretty pissed…*snicker*
Heh heh. Mordred forgot that attacking kids isn’t in a hero’s job description. He’ll have to hire the Big Bad Wolf for that. XD
And of course Janus got bored. The topic of conversation switched to something other than herself. XD
Actually the Podcast is going to be on TalkShoe and then linked back to the TGT Webcomics site.
Tonight, 9PM EST – on TalkShoe http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/22928/ to ask questions of Lily about anything :D We’ll read the questions off and give you credit if you give your name… Best of all? It’s FREE to listen. :cool:
I see so much of myself in Janus.
I swear. If Janus was real, I would be best friends with her. She knows what’s up, man.