Talk Through The Pain
And yet another comic where if I’d checked the date before hand I could have done a Holiday Pin-Up. Oh well. XD
Happy Easter! I hope everyone has a blessed holiday! And if you don’t celebrate, I hope you can get to enjoy a chocolate bunny or a marshmallow peep anyway because they’re awesome. <3
Yay! Monologuing again! Not the big wall of text but more ten before.
FINALLY! Camlann is addressing this issue!!!!! Wait, all those powers on par to gods and he can’t simply snap his fingers to allow everyone to see her?
I hope that the next arc addresses Camlann’s concern.
Also, in my opinion, peeps taste like sweet packing peanuts. I had an odd childhood.
Happy Easter I had a nice one :)
Bliss has pretty bangs in the first panel. Eek, I keep thinking I should be annoyed by her character, but finding I like her more and more! Your characters are just too loveable, Liliy
Nice touch on increasing the amt of blood on the threads as he spoke