That Would Get Boring
So, one of these days I’ll learn to cut down the cast in a story arc so wrapping things up wouldn’t drag out so long.
We’ll see how things go.
If you’re curious, the picture in the last panel is a drawing of Dallas, a character I wrote for another project that remains covered in dust because I lost all interest in it. But I still love how that picture turned out.
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Couch Potato” by Weird Al Yankovic
Hello, Dallas. Roger must be a kind of a cold sort if he holds that against Daisy… maybe that’s a hero family instead of a villain family. Hnaef is funny.
Hnaef managed to knock Security’s smile from his face. Security dislikes soaps that much? Wow. I think we now have a secret weapon against the guy who shows up everywhere.
I’m guessing Security’s irritation is more about the fact that Hnaef can’t keep on subject.
Or maybe he just realized how ridiculous Hnaef really is. :shocked:
Security is probably more upset that Hnaef looks at naked pictures of women on company time.
I actually had a dream about the next issue. :lol2:
That is a pretty neat picture, do you have the full version posted anywhere? I’d like to see it sometime =)
And for a second I thought you meant the television show when you said it was a ‘drawing of Dallas’. First thought was ‘…. wait what now?’ Threw me off for a few seconds ;-)
I do like the glow effects from the monitors, by the by. Very nice touch.
Yup. The full version is posted over at DA here. It’s actually pretty old; drew that back in 2004. XD
I like it! Thanks much ^_^
I wonder if that counts as abuse of company property or if he’s sanctioned to spy on whomever he sees fit. XD
Technically speaking, Hnæf watches everyone and everything, all the time. What he chooses to pay attention to at any given moment is up to him. XD
Nice picture of Dallas incorporated into Hnaef’s viewscreen. It’s very funny how you set up the dialogue so everyone assumes that Hnaef is referring to the chaos in the mansion and then he turns out to be talking about something else entirely. XD
I think Hnæf appreciates your work, too, if you know what I mean…
:lol2: living soap opra nice :lol2:
Who needs day time TV when you can spy on other people.
You should guest star Dallas more often! She’s such a cutie :)