« First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » « First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » The Gem Is In His Pocket Wiglaf and Jade would get along. I feel this as the author. They should have tea and chat about the people in their lives that like to ignore them. 4 Comments Oh, Wiglaf, how have you not learned by now that talking it out NEVER works? ‘Specially not with Boss. And I do feel bad for Jade. He genuinely seems like an okay guy, just stuck spending eternity with a bunch of violent cult people… Reply Well, except for right when we met him and he seemed perfectly happy to pull out Driver’s eye for Boss to eat… Reply Typo detected, Liliy. doens’t Reply Typo has been fixed! Thank you! :D Reply Leave a Reply to Xel Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
Oh, Wiglaf, how have you not learned by now that talking it out NEVER works? ‘Specially not with Boss. And I do feel bad for Jade. He genuinely seems like an okay guy, just stuck spending eternity with a bunch of violent cult people… Reply Well, except for right when we met him and he seemed perfectly happy to pull out Driver’s eye for Boss to eat… Reply
Well, except for right when we met him and he seemed perfectly happy to pull out Driver’s eye for Boss to eat… Reply
Oh, Wiglaf, how have you not learned by now that talking it out NEVER works? ‘Specially not with Boss.
And I do feel bad for Jade. He genuinely seems like an okay guy, just stuck spending eternity with a bunch of violent cult people…
Well, except for right when we met him and he seemed perfectly happy to pull out Driver’s eye for Boss to eat…
Typo detected, Liliy.
Typo has been fixed! Thank you! :D