The Violence Has Been Censored
Feel bad for that Jelly Spud.
I know I do.
Sort of.
Anyway. Everyone enjoying the comics being up on time regularly!? I know I am. Even if I never make any of my Donation Goals, this tiny stress relief has been worth the entire thing. o_o
*throws confetti everywhere* So thanks again to everyone who’s supporting me on Patreon! :D
What the heck is he doing to that jelly spud?
Because it doesn’t seem to be working.
Maybe he should tone *up* the violence a little.
You know, I’m curious. Can Fuxiyiya really make good on that threat?
It would take serious power, but you never know with aliens.
Somehow I highly doubt that since said alien did crash and has no way off the planet at the moment whilst out “Metal Man” has no such limitations.
oh no! but the jelly spud was extremely adorable!!