« First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » « First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » They Really Like Green YES. Up on time & colored. *puts on cool glasses* Ah yeah. 8 Comments Have they actually hurt anyone yet? The most I can see is just grand larceny and vandalism/breaking and entering. Reply They’ve probably done a few hold-ups. That Reply (gorramit) would be quite a sight. Reply Wait wait wait. If they did holdups… oh my God they do have bullet seeds. My prayers have been answered. Reply ya know they could just grab a few flintlocks with their tendrils, too. Reply Why must you crush my dreams like that? Reply I love Lance’s tiny smile in the last panel as the plants drop the cash Reply He’s proud of his work. :3 Reply Leave a Reply to myIDID Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
Have they actually hurt anyone yet? The most I can see is just grand larceny and vandalism/breaking and entering. Reply They’ve probably done a few hold-ups. That Reply (gorramit) would be quite a sight. Reply Wait wait wait. If they did holdups… oh my God they do have bullet seeds. My prayers have been answered. Reply ya know they could just grab a few flintlocks with their tendrils, too. Reply Why must you crush my dreams like that? Reply
They’ve probably done a few hold-ups. That Reply (gorramit) would be quite a sight. Reply Wait wait wait. If they did holdups… oh my God they do have bullet seeds. My prayers have been answered. Reply ya know they could just grab a few flintlocks with their tendrils, too. Reply Why must you crush my dreams like that? Reply
(gorramit) would be quite a sight. Reply Wait wait wait. If they did holdups… oh my God they do have bullet seeds. My prayers have been answered. Reply ya know they could just grab a few flintlocks with their tendrils, too. Reply Why must you crush my dreams like that? Reply
Wait wait wait. If they did holdups… oh my God they do have bullet seeds. My prayers have been answered. Reply ya know they could just grab a few flintlocks with their tendrils, too. Reply Why must you crush my dreams like that? Reply
ya know they could just grab a few flintlocks with their tendrils, too. Reply Why must you crush my dreams like that? Reply
I love Lance’s tiny smile in the last panel as the plants drop the cash Reply He’s proud of his work. :3 Reply
Have they actually hurt anyone yet? The most I can see is just grand larceny and vandalism/breaking and entering.
They’ve probably done a few hold-ups. That
(gorramit) would be quite a sight.
Wait wait wait. If they did holdups… oh my God they do have bullet seeds. My prayers have been answered.
ya know they could just grab a few flintlocks with their tendrils, too.
Why must you crush my dreams like that?
I love Lance’s tiny smile in the last panel as the plants drop the cash
He’s proud of his work. :3