Time to Ponder
Security is just staying out in the void for now. Because I think it’s funny. LOL.
And this time I will remember: I still have dog training for the pup on Fridays, so I’ll see you on Sunday. :D
Edit (8/18): Hey, sorry to do this, but I ended up spending time with my mom after D&D and now it’s too late to draw. >.>; I have to be up early for work tomorrow so it’s early to bed for me. I’ll see you on Wednesday!
Edit (8/21): Long story short, it’s like 10 p.m. and I basically just sat down. I’m so tired I’m not even going to do my Genshin dailies. LOL. I am going to bed. But because I missed three in a row (even if one is scheduled) I’m going to try and get WaM done tomorrow or before dog training on Friday. Wish me luck. XD
Wait until you find out that you lost your ability to be anywhere in existence at a moments notice, Security. I hope you don’t have a mental breakdown before you return home from that.
Sounds like Security needs some thinking food. Maybe he should go on a snack run?