Viewer Discretion Advised
Things we have learned/gathered from today’s WaM:
- Ricky got the winning line of the strip.
- And Hnæf is as good as traumatized. Poor kid. :happy:
- And Gawain is an idiot.
Oh oh! This is a good reader participation strip time! :D We haven’t had one of those in ages!
What did you learn from today’s strip?
Color later~ Mwa ha ha ha. You all love me. D:
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Die Another Day” by Madonna
Ha ha; um… learn? Hm. Arthur senior is a monster you don’t want to mess with even in retirement? XD
Security knows way to much for how little we see him and is by far the most interesting character in terms of developmental potential (mostly because he’s implying he either has extensive knowledge about Mr. Garrott’s career, or he was around during that time and is older than he looks).
i like ricky’s reason for destroying the lobby
-_- Wife
Azrael has no common sense, Mr Garrott is a very scary man and Security is even more intriguing than before.
Azreal is as hot without color as with. Hnaef was surprisingly naive until this strip. Galen wears the pants in the marriage (which means Ricky wears the skirt? :raisebrow: ) and Hagen isn’t on the Cast page. She’s on the relationship chart as Gwain’s partner and potential partner, but doesn’t exist on the actual cast page.
No, Galen is the brains of the relationship while Ricky is the Brawn
Ricky probably still gets to be on top at night. :P
Wouldn’t he crush her? O_o
Hummm… Galen can rip off an arm but not support her huzband…
(Or if she really couldn’t he could just support himself… Or not use a bed… 0_0)
:shocked: Now there’s a mental image I did not need.
I was somewhat under the impression she had used a chainsaw or some other instrument of pain. I maybe wrong, though.
That even though Arthur Senior’s beard looks really fluffy, I’ll probably never get close enough to touch it alive :’(
Yes, that is sadly a privilege for family only. *nods solemnly*
I need to marry into this family
Brat agrees with you. :)
Is THAT the real reason she’s after Mordred?
Poor Mordred…only after him for his father’s beard….
Not that Mordred would care…>.>
I learned that traumatized Hnæf is even cuter than non-traumatized Hnæf. Poor kid, now I want him to suffer more, cause tha’s just adorable…..
And yeah, Ricky’s line was pure win.
I have learned that Arthur, Sr. is scary. Really scary. And not all that forgiving, either.
And I’m liking Hnaef more and more all the time. :D
I’ve learned that Hnæf and security would make a cute couple (though maybe give it 4 years) and that’s all I have room for in my brain… yep I’m a bad bad person and I dont really care :P
Hmmm…I learned that Azrael does a great deadpan, but Grace’s is better.
That Ricky is made of pure win.
And that someone needs to duct tape Gawain’s mouth shut. Or just duct tape him to a wall and leave him there.
I learned that despite being supergenius, Hnaef is still a kid.
Security apparently makes a very good security blanket,
and Gawain, despite the rage of Mr. Garrot, is still nigh on indestructable.
My top 10 favorite characters
1. Security (just bairly)
2. Hnaef
3. Wiglaf
4. Hagen
4. Gawain
5. Azreal
5. Grace
8. Ricky
9. Galen
10. Mr. Garrot (he just moved up from the range of my 20-somtinish favorite charcter :P )
I haven’t learned anything. :worry: I RE-learned that the Garrot family isn’t just a group of psychos. They’re a group of EVIL SUPERVILLIANS and do infact have the capacity to commit acts of terror and pain. This I had forgetten over the past few months considering how little they show it. :happy:
With all their evil off-screen most of the time, it is easy to forget that they’re all professional bad guys. XD
One thing i learned was that Alistair calls Mr. G “Art”, that took me a little bit to figure out. :D
I learned that not coming on to read WAM for a few weeks may be a good idea; I get to read 10+ strips in one sitting, and it’s awesome! XD
And I think this is only the 2nd time I’ve ever seen a strip before colour, seeing as I’m always disappearing. :P
I particularly like the decision to keep what Garrott’s doing off screen. Hnaef’s and Security’s reactions to what he’s doing off screen make it much more effective than if you had actually shown it. =)
I learned that besides being perfect, Wiglaf is also extremely lucky to get off with a warning with Mr. Garrott.
I hope Gawain is taking notes.
1. Don’t mess with Mr. Garrott.
2. Find new job.
3. Don’t ever stop running!
Stupid nitpicker time: wasn’t Gawain covered in blood last page?
Also, I hope Hagen wasn’t caught in those unspeakable acts of violence! :( She’s too cute for that.
What did you say? Continuity error where I forgot to add the blood? Nonsense….
Heh. (Thanks XD All fixed now.)
No prob. :)
I have learned that Mr. Garrott is not one to be trifled with, and that everyone must constantly be on their guard, because otherwise they risk displeasing him and incurring his wrath.
Hnaef should try reading nursery rhymes to heal his trauma.
i have leared one thing.
do NOT get blood in Mr.G’s lobby
i learned that never being able to die means living through the pain. oh the pain -_o (BTW that’s a wincing face)
Remember, kids: Good is not always nice…
(“Mercy is the mark of a great man.” (stab) “Guess I’m just a good man.” (stab) “Well, I’m alright.”)
..and nice is not always good.
(“When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite.”)
Yeah. That’s what I learned…
Btw, WHAT exactly does Art hope to accomplish by mutilating all of them? This lobby was supposed to be cleaned UP. x_x
I learned that showing the unspeakable acts of violence would make this comic for matures only.
OH MY GOD, it just struck me……Arthur senior reminds me of sheogorath from Elder scrolls oblivion except more refined O_o
I learned that ‘retired’ is a relative term when it comes to the Garrott family. Even those that claim to be retired can kick some ass still. XD
I learned…
that Hnaef’s name still remains unpronouncable.
that security, whatever his purposes are, are not for the benifiet of the above charchters or he would have saved them.
that Mr. Garrot can and will still kill you, so be sure to bring a horse.
that none of these charchters are smart enough to run like hell instead of answering his quesiton.
On the other hand, they’ve all worked for him for a very long time. For all you know – running makes it worse. :D
I think security is probably just as scared. :sly:
If you can teleport, you have no need to fear.
Logic- Security can teleport, and no device is seen helping him.
Security is magic. Actually, if this world has talking swords, magic isn’t far fetched.
:omg: Does that mean Security is Merlin?!?!? Dibs!
today, I have learned that I am still scared of guys with facial hair, and for good reason. When I was little, I always got really freaked out when guys had facial hair. We never knew why…
Ha ha; I was the opposite. My dad’s always had a big fluffy beard so I was uneasy around men without facial hair. XD
Heheheh. I got that crazy silverhaired retired men who are great grandparents have a deep burned evil streak that would destroy us if we got blood on the carpet.
Oh wow, whats he gonna do to his grandkids first bully? *shudder*
He would probably do to his grandkids fist bully what he did to Mordred’s first bully (see comic #79 “Azrael’s Lucky”)
NO ONE picks on his grandson. I think he’d do much worse if someone tried anything. (Grandparents are like that)
I saw Rule One (never challenge mysterious old
men to a fight- DIscworld, anyone?) reinforced, and umm, is anyone else picturing Mr. G comitting horrible acts of violence with that cheerful grin on his face? …….*shudder*
Always act with caution when confronting a little bald wrinkly smiling man, to be exact. I’m not sure if Mr. G counts, especially given that he doesn’t pretend *not* to be a supervillain.
Today I have learned that if I’m going to destroy things violently, not to do it in the homes of the ex-villians. Or even current ones.
Things we learned.
1: When Mr. Garrott asks something, don’t dance around the issue.
2:Ricky is the only person who gives good excuses.
3:Hnæf is surprisingly unused to the Garrott violence, despite working for the Garrotts for a while.
Re: #3
Do note: Hnaef, so far as we have seen, seems to do all his work for Sedrick and/or Arthur Jr. Sedrick enjoys headshots, which are quick, clean ways to kill things. Arthur Jr. likes dragons, which either snap the target up in one bite, or burn the target away to a smear of ash. Both of these are relatively non-violent and leave the target dead.
Arthur Garrott Sr., on the other hand, is currently disciplining lackeys, which must first get his point across, and must necessarily leave them alive. After all, they didn’t fail him, they just messed his rug. One doesn’t exterminate one’s loyal dog for the same offense. Why should a lackey be different?
(All the above written with tongue firmly planted in cheek.)
I learned that I still find older guys with silver hair inexplicably sexy >.> even/especially if they are evil and cheerful.
perhaps the theory is that bloodstains do not show up if _everything_ is blood colored ~chuckle~
2 words: Sean Connery
Very yes.
I learned that I will read all the comments here instead of an 8 am lunch and that my previous statment looks really werid written out. I also learned that I am actually going to comment on this comic at least twice
I also learned that WAM has invaded my brain enough that at work, helping people configure routers, I say “ok, now click on security” and then think “wow, he really is everywhere, isn’t he….?”
*Wide-eyed.* Great Scott, you’re right!
Thing learned/confirmed:
When Arthur Garrott Sr. decides to go Godfather, he most emphatically does not use horses’ heads.
Excellent gag, Liliy. I believe that earns you yet another tv-trope (possibly two).
Azrael has a point, Hnaef is cute clinging to Security like that, and apparently Security has seen some of Arthur senior’s ‘work’ before
Arthur Sr. is awesome. That’s what I learned.