Watch It!
Ha ha…I’m losing my touch. At least for once I’ve got a good excuse. XD I was working on the cast pages and lost track of time. Anyway, why you wait for color/inks/text later tonight, you can read up on Gawain & Horatio.
Lookie! Color! 8:45PM isn’t that late…I have the attention span of a gnat! It’s not my fault! *dashes*
Oh, and I added little rating stars to all the comic posts. So you can rate the strips now. We’ll see how that goes…Heh.
Song Listening Recommendation:
“Burn it to the Ground” by Nickelback
I think my computer may have caused my mouse to swerve, I voted 10/10 but it shows 0/10. =\
hehe..Bumps with Azrael.
Run, man, RUN
Psst, Liliy. The description under Horatio’s picture in the Cast section says, “The Servant, Arthur”.
Thought I’d point that out. D:
…oops. XD *fixes*
Lol, this is funny for me in a different way, because, in the first strip of my comic, I have 2 people colliding and falling to the ground, except one person tackles the other. :P
Now that’s not good! That makes 2 people never to be caught alone in a room with.
Ha ha, poor Gawain. He should’ve stayed with the crazy nurse. XD
… It’s a really good thing he’s a zombie. Seriously.
Uh oh. Now Gawain is caught between two Garrott employees with whom he is not supposed to be alone. He sure is having the worst luck today. ^_^
I really love the first panel with Gawain dashing and the fifth panel with the collision. You drew the action very well.
And love was born~ *cough*
Uh-uh, he dropped Grace…