‘Son of a servant’ does working for the Garrotts run in families or something? Either way, interesting.
And Janus is worried, that cannot be good.
In panel 5, what is she trying to say? ‘I thought you’d be better than pleas for attention.’ I think a word is missing or something, I dunno (It just looks, funky)
(Also, you labelled Janus as Arthur in the tags. I know I’m being picky, sorry ><)
The pleas for attention line just means that she had assumed he was above begging for attention. The way that line was worded was pretty confusing, though. :T;;
If I recall, it was removed as part of a desperate bid to save CPU usage and prevent the site from losing its hosting. But I’m pretty sure you can still use the smileys if you type them in manually. :)
I hope sedrick didn’t just put a bound and gagged…I just totally forgot Janus’ kid’s name! Well, anyway the kid, bound, gagged and holding a gun to his head.
This used to be a drawn sitcom. It was funny. It was good. Even Siedrick blowing someone’s brains off was funny. Now, he actuallyis being trully evil, and not just off-panel. He might kil our comedy villanis and become a REAL big bad, changing everything in this comic forever. I like this :D
If I remember correctly, at the beginning of the current story arc Liliy said that this comic was originally meant to be fairly serious, and not just evil-played-for-laughs. See http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WordOfGod.
We all know that Arthur Garrott Sr. already snagged his grandson to safety. Of course, she doesn’t know that… and if Mr. Servant is a really good poker player, he could just fire into the room without hinting he doesn’t see the child there.
Then of course things start falling apart for him. He’d contact his raven for information, only to learn the raven’s been silenced. In fact, he may find he’s completely locked out of Minir.
After that? Mr. Garrott comes out to play. Heh heh heh.
There’s only two reason I see that would make even Janus freeze like this.
Either Sedrick is pulling an weapon on Janus’s huddy, or on her daughter. Considering that she didn’t seem to care too much for her daughter, I presume it is more likely his hubby, but since Sedrick didn’t seem to point his gun on little hubby, I suppose Sedrick is pulling an weapon on Safir.
ACK! I agree with the above, I’m thinking Seddy is doing something to Safir O.O I mean, Janus MAY be a cold and heartless woman, YES, BUT, I think that DEEP DOWN, if her OWN SON got hurt, she would be pissed. If not because she cared for him, then because he’s HER son. HERS. NO TOUCHY ect. ect.
GAH!! THE SUSPENSE. It kills me!!!!!!!
‘Son of a servant’ does working for the Garrotts run in families or something? Either way, interesting.
And Janus is worried, that cannot be good.
In panel 5, what is she trying to say? ‘I thought you’d be better than pleas for attention.’ I think a word is missing or something, I dunno (It just looks, funky)
(Also, you labelled Janus as Arthur in the tags. I know I’m being picky, sorry ><)
(And maybe I’m unobservant and it’s been this way for a while but, the little box that was under the comments with the similes is gone!)
The pleas for attention line just means that she had assumed he was above begging for attention. The way that line was worded was pretty confusing, though. :T;;
And you’re right, what happened to the box?! D<
im assuming you mean smiles, as ive never noticed a box listing figuritive comparisons between unrealated subjects. But i could be wrong.
no seriously though… where is it?!?
Yes, smiles XD
If I recall, it was removed as part of a desperate bid to save CPU usage and prevent the site from losing its hosting. But I’m pretty sure you can still use the smileys if you type them in manually. :)
I just don’t remember them being removed, that’s all.
im assuming you mean smiles, as ive never noticed a box listing figuritive comparisons between unrealated subjects. But i could be wrong.
no seriously though… where is it?!?
why did that post twice?
What? ‘What are WHAT?!
Oh my… This doesn’t look to good for Janus… O.O
I won’t get to see what happens until next month! DX (Going to summer camp with no electronics allowed.)
Presumably Janus was saying “What are you doing?”
I guess she knows.
I loooooooooooove evil!awesome!Sedrick!
*hums tune*
I hope sedrick didn’t just put a bound and gagged…I just totally forgot Janus’ kid’s name! Well, anyway the kid, bound, gagged and holding a gun to his head.
Or Sedrick is pointing the gun At hubby dearest.
Or maybe she just realized Sedrick is covered in blood and is thinking that it’s Arthur’s.
Safir, the kid is Safir.
he’s pulling out ice cream! it was all a funny joke! i want chocolate!
i’m right aren’t i. please don’t let me be right. you’re a better storyteller than that, liliy!
This used to be a drawn sitcom. It was funny. It was good. Even Siedrick blowing someone’s brains off was funny. Now, he actuallyis being trully evil, and not just off-panel. He might kil our comedy villanis and become a REAL big bad, changing everything in this comic forever. I like this :D
If I remember correctly, at the beginning of the current story arc Liliy said that this comic was originally meant to be fairly serious, and not just evil-played-for-laughs. See http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WordOfGod.
…is that a kunai in Sed’s hand? Janus rolls with a kunai under her pillow?! That’s so badass!
We all know that Arthur Garrott Sr. already snagged his grandson to safety. Of course, she doesn’t know that… and if Mr. Servant is a really good poker player, he could just fire into the room without hinting he doesn’t see the child there.
Then of course things start falling apart for him. He’d contact his raven for information, only to learn the raven’s been silenced. In fact, he may find he’s completely locked out of Minir.
After that? Mr. Garrott comes out to play. Heh heh heh.
There’s only two reason I see that would make even Janus freeze like this.
Either Sedrick is pulling an weapon on Janus’s huddy, or on her daughter. Considering that she didn’t seem to care too much for her daughter, I presume it is more likely his hubby, but since Sedrick didn’t seem to point his gun on little hubby, I suppose Sedrick is pulling an weapon on Safir.
…Son. XD Safir is a boy.
I can think of one more reason for that look…her dad showed up… :D
I doubt that the big evil daddy is going to show up THAT early.
ACK! I agree with the above, I’m thinking Seddy is doing something to Safir O.O I mean, Janus MAY be a cold and heartless woman, YES, BUT, I think that DEEP DOWN, if her OWN SON got hurt, she would be pissed. If not because she cared for him, then because he’s HER son. HERS. NO TOUCHY ect. ect.
GAH!! THE SUSPENSE. It kills me!!!!!!!