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Who Doesn’t Love That?

I need to start live streaming the comic again. Lol. I sat down early to draw this and kept getting so distracted it took me until 11 to finish. XD

Enjoy a cute, pondering Wiglaf.

Edit: Skipped tonight because I was tired and wanted to play a cozy game. Lol. I’m not usually this shameless but I wasn’t feeling good all day & put all my energy into making D&D fun as the DM tonight. Time for me to collapse and enjoy sleeping in tomorrow while I can. Lol.

Edit #2: Hey guys! I had to get up early this morning to go to a job interview and then lost track of time afterwards. I’m dead tired. Gonna’ go to bed really soon. XD Wish me luck tomorrow trying to get some other work stuff done. >.>;;;; See ya!

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