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Who Else Can He Beat Up?

Ha ha ha. We’ll probably be back with Ben & Azzie on Friday. Along with their annoying tag-a-longs of course.

Because I miss them. Dearly. *pets them and favors them over the title characters*

Pair-a-Thon voting is open!!! <—Go Vote. Voting goes until the 13th so I have time to count & Announce the winners on Valentine’s! :D

Song Listening Recommendation:

“You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Collins


Why is it I get the feeling that Security can see Bliss? I mean he probably can’t, but we know he doesn’t… Function like a normal human being so who knows?


He teleports himself and others without apparently finding it an expensive proposition, and possibly even manages to be in more than one place simultaneously. He’s a wizard or else he’s some kind of magical “it” I figure.


Liliy said he’s not magic on the ustream once, so I’m guessing robot. Sufficiently advanced science, after all…


Fully human not a robot.


Okay, then I understand nothing. I’ll wait for the people who do understand how and why he can teleport like that to speak up, or not.


You aren’t supposed to know who/why Security is able to teleport like that.
On his cast page liliy calls him a ‘running gag that got out of control’(Also, she’s probably the only one that knows how he can do what he does, and she isn’t saying)


…..Awesome strip, as ever, but the grammar-freak in me is screaming.

Third panel. Second bubble. It’s “good conscience”, not “good conscious”. Sorry. Nitpicking.


No…it’s not nitpicking. It’s called a legitimate typo. *sighs and hits head on desk* I’ll fix it after work.


Aw, darn. If we’re back to Azrael and Ben on Friday, then there’s no chance of the Security background (check?) with which you’re teasing us in the last panel, Liliy. Mischief!


yah! Security is back! ^(=^.^=)^ and Bliss really has no room to talk, it’s like the pot calling the kettle black…


Pot calling the zebra black actually, Wiglaf has his talents, knowledge and occasional moments of brilliance.


Bliss still thinks of Wiglaf as cute, if bit on the dense side.
I just now wonder if he light powers can go so far as projecting images or text? *head-scratch* I must be slow but why didn’t I think of that before? It’s not like she could posses him physically like a ghost….


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