« First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » « First‹ PreviousCommentsNext ›Last » You’re The Hero, Wiglaf Hey look! I got it up Friday. XD Whoo hoo. *sleeps* 9 Comments It’s good to see Mordred being malicious. Reply Well hello, Mordred! It’s been a while! Reply Oh, Wiglaf, if you only knew how Mordred was holding his own (and possibly beating Sederick), you wouldn’t annoy him at this time. You may be his friend, but Grendel is his “Child.” And the fluffy, cute ones usually win… Reply now kiss him wiglaf and make him forget his dog. You know you want to. Reply ooooh, there so much you could swap out those three words with. My three words would be “Grab. My. Ass.” or ….. okay, that’s all I can think of Reply Kiss. Me. Fool. Blow. My. Whistle. Slay. Me. Hard. …. I heard that one in a bar. It got laughter which lead to a fist fight which somehow lead to the couple leaving together. Reply Blow. My. Whistle. that’s just pure awesome Reply Play. My. Meatflute. Reply Pigs. Smell. Bad. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Comment You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
Oh, Wiglaf, if you only knew how Mordred was holding his own (and possibly beating Sederick), you wouldn’t annoy him at this time. You may be his friend, but Grendel is his “Child.” And the fluffy, cute ones usually win… Reply
ooooh, there so much you could swap out those three words with. My three words would be “Grab. My. Ass.” or ….. okay, that’s all I can think of Reply Kiss. Me. Fool. Blow. My. Whistle. Slay. Me. Hard. …. I heard that one in a bar. It got laughter which lead to a fist fight which somehow lead to the couple leaving together. Reply Blow. My. Whistle. that’s just pure awesome Reply Play. My. Meatflute. Reply Pigs. Smell. Bad. Reply
Kiss. Me. Fool. Blow. My. Whistle. Slay. Me. Hard. …. I heard that one in a bar. It got laughter which lead to a fist fight which somehow lead to the couple leaving together. Reply Blow. My. Whistle. that’s just pure awesome Reply Play. My. Meatflute. Reply
It’s good to see Mordred being malicious.
Well hello, Mordred! It’s been a while!
Oh, Wiglaf, if you only knew how Mordred was holding his own (and possibly beating Sederick), you wouldn’t annoy him at this time. You may be his friend, but Grendel is his “Child.” And the fluffy, cute ones usually win…
now kiss him wiglaf and make him forget his dog. You know you want to.
ooooh, there so much you could swap out those three words with.
My three words would be “Grab. My. Ass.” or
….. okay, that’s all I can think of
Kiss. Me. Fool.
Blow. My. Whistle.
Slay. Me. Hard. …. I heard that one in a bar. It got laughter which lead to a fist fight which somehow lead to the couple leaving together.
Blow. My. Whistle.
that’s just pure awesome
Play. My. Meatflute.
Pigs. Smell. Bad.