Cast – Safir
Safir Garrott
Age: 8
Current Goal: Get his Mother’s attention.
First Appearance: 75. Home Sweet Home
Bio: Son to Janus Garrott and Geoffry Buckley, Safir has it pretty easy. He loves to play with his Dad and Grandfather. He’s also partial to reading; his favorite book is “The Witch and the Swan” that his father reads to him about once a week.
When he’s not playing with his Dad or Grandfather, Safir spends his time trying to figure out why his mother likes his Uncle Mordred more than him – which also makes Safir the only member of the Garrott family who doesn’t like Mordred.
Author Notes: It was either Janus or Arthur that was going to be a parent, but either way a child was required. Thus – Safir was born.
Though, he’s much more innocent and nice than when he was originally sketched out. The bitterness and jealousy that defined his character sort of fell out once I drew him reading a book with his father. I think I like it better with him being a bit nicer.
Safir is named after one of the Knights of the Round Table, Safir. I wanted him to be named after one of King Arthur’s knights-so it was either that or Lancelot, but I figured I’d save good old Lancelot for later. So Safir it was! (And it had absolutely nothing to do with my fangirlish love of a certain Sailor Moon villain by the same name. ;) )
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