Category Archives: General

Back To Basics

Was missing that personalized touch to my theme~ So, I went back to the basic bundled WordPress TwentyEleven Theme & customized/tweaked it slightly.

Whoo! It’s also got some neat new organization stuff on the side I might try out (like separate post types for Galleries/Images/Quotes and stuff) that resemble Tumbler. We’ll see how that goes. XD

The theme features some original artwork of mine of Benjamin & Éclat from WaM. :)

Black Cats

First off – My kitty likes to sleep in an Amazon shipping box and it’s adorable. Cinder is just cute that way…even if she does love to attack me. See below:

Fear my crappy phone camera in low light.

Second! My CatWoman Mousepad from Zazzle arrived! Yay!!! It is now at home at my work desk replacing my old TRANE one. Check it out:

I've Adored Her Since I Was Tiny

I’m waiting to see when they notice at work. So far no one’s said anything. XD I love her 40’s outfit. ^^

New Year, New Flavor

Been itching for a new theme for Patchwork for a while~ Don’t get me wrong, Cupcake Love was might tasty – but I was hoping to sample something new. So, New Year – New Flavor~

(See what I’m doing there with the food jokes? XD)

So, the new theme is now – *drum roll* : Licorice.

The theme is pretty vanilla right now, but I’m hoping to add some personal flurorishes as I go & have time~

Bon Appetit!

Scorpion Bracelet~

Ha ha. I was texting my buddy Sean/Creid and mentioned I was distracted by my new bracelet and he laughed.

So I took a pic to share since txting didn’t do it justice.

Beyhold the bracelet I got for $7.49 while shopping with my mother (and if it tells you anything, even Mom admitted that the bracelet looked like me  XD):

Scorpion Bracelet

My phone doesn’t have a great Macro – so you also get to see:

  • My orange glittery nails (for Halloween~)
  • Alfred Figure (From This Con Haul if he looks familiar)
  • My mini pumpkin (well one of them…there’s another one on my computer box & I’ve got three more at home not counting the ones on my porch…<3 Mini Pumpkins.)
  • My Work station! You can even see my dual monitors where I do my lovely Cad work…though right now I have REVIT up on the screen. Wheeeee Revit. *sarcasm* I’d like that program; I would – if it didn’t crash so often. *_* Curse not having a machine to keep up with it.
  • I digress.
  • The Bracelet – it’s a tiny dead Scorpion encased in plastic. So cute.

You all enjoy the random? I did.  :D

Roy II Got Hot…ter.

Random post is random…my poor blog was wanting some love.

And Okay, so I know I haven’t had time to talk about my Disney Trip yet with KGJ/CageyJay (no time this month XD) but I did FINALLY get one of my souveniers out of the bag and serving it’s intended purpose.

But first – a quote:

“[Liliy], you have always loved Jessica Rabbit and it’s something I’ve never understood but have come to accept.”

Well, it may not be exact but ‘Jay said it. XD

And it’s true. Jessica Rabbit has been one of my favorite female characters/actresses for as long as I can remember from the first moment I saw her on my television on the Disney channel playing an edited version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

So…when shopping we happened to run across a vinyl window decal of her in a store & I knew I had to have it and it needed to be on my car.

So now it is:

Jessica Rabbit Vinyl

You have no idea how giddy it makes me to have that on my car. Almost as the same as when I realized ‘Jay had bought me a hand drawn sketch of the woman on our last trip there together. XD

Anyway. Finally had something I really wanted to share with you all…and now that’s done – I can go draw WaM like a good girl. XD

…closer look:

Jessica Rabbit