Tag Archives: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Hirano Aya Kick

To think that the women who sings “Misa’s Song” from Death Note is the same as “Lost my Music” & “God Knows…” from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya are the same person is amazing – you can hear it; but the vocal qualities are just so different.

But, since I’m on a DN kick, we’ll stick with “Misa no Uta” or “Misa’s Song.”1

“Misa no Uta”:

First of all – I love the breathy, almost airy tone that she has while it’s being sung. It gives that slightly morbid, eerie tone while still sticking with a slightly upbeat, almost child-like song. I’m almost reminded of a fair or a carnival, a merry-go-round if you will; It creates a lovely picture.

Speaking, the scene in the Death Note Anime that this came from was striking as well. It was beautifully animated and had a very nice feel to it – so check out episode 25 if you want to see an anime extra (as in not in the manga) done very well.

But, if Misa’s not your thing – definitely check out Hirano Aya’s “God Knows…” and “Lost My Music” – they’re more upbeat and rockish; very catchy. ^_^

“Futari ni God Bless…”2 – “God Knows…”

“Ki o tsukete. Kami-sama wa miteru…”3 – “Misa no Uta”

  1. Here’s a good link to see the lyrics, hiragana and a translation: Words of Song: Misa’s Song
  2. English: “God Bless the two of us.”
  3. English: “Pay Attention/Be Careful. God is watching.